

+86 15270269218

A-B 1769-L35CR可编程逻辑控制器

  • A-B 1769-L35CR可编程逻辑控制器
  • A-B 1769-L35CR可编程逻辑控制器
  • A-B 1769-L35CR可编程逻辑控制器

A-B 1769-L35CR可编程逻辑控制器内置了0.5兆字节的内存,可以处理程序逻辑、数据存储和通信任务。

A-B 1769-L35CR产品详情:

  1. 紧凑设计:该控制器设计紧凑,适用于空间有限的应用。

  2. 0.5MB内存:控制器内置了0.5兆字节的内存,可以处理程序逻辑、数据存储和通信任务。

  3. 运动控制能力:A-B 1769-L35CR可编程逻辑控制器具备处理运动控制任务的能力,适用于需要精确控制运动的应用,如机器人或输送系统。

  4. 工厂密封:"工厂密封" 表示该控制器是全新的,并且没有被拆封或使用过,确保其可靠性和品质。

  5. 连接性:A-B 1769-L35CR可编程逻辑控制器通常包含内置以太网端口和其他通信接口,用于连接其他设备,如人机界面(HMI)、输入/输出(I/O)模块和其他PLC。

  6. 编程:A-B 1769-L35CR可编程逻辑控制器可使用Studio 5000 Logix Designer软件进行编程,允许用户创建自定义控制程序和应用。

A-B 1769-L35CR实物视频:

A-B 1769-L35CR实物拍摄图片:

1769-L35CR (4).jpg


A-B 1769-L35CRproduct details:

Compact design: This controller has a compact design and is suitable for applications with limited space.

0.5MB memory: The controller has built-in 0.5 megabytes of memory, which can handle program logic, data storage, and communication tasks.

Motion control capability: This controller has the ability to handle motion control tasks and is suitable for applications that require precise control of motion, such as robots or conveyor systems.

Factory seal: "Factory seal" indicates that the controller is brand new and has not been unpacked or used, ensuring its reliability and quality.

Connectivity: Controllers typically include built-in Ethernet ports and other communication interfaces for connecting other devices, such as human-machine interfaces (HMI), input/output (I/O) modules, and other PLCs.

Programming: The 1769-L18ERM-BB1B/B controller can be programmed using Studio 5000 Logix Designer software, allowing users to create custom control programs and applications.

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+86 15270269218