

+86 15270269218

A-B 1756-CNB通信模块

  • A-B 1756-CNB通信模块
  • A-B 1756-CNB通信模块

A-B 1756-CNB通信模块支持高达5 Mbps的数据传输速率,适用于高带宽、实时性要求高的应用场景。

A-B 1756-CNB产品详情:

  1. ControlNet通信:A-B 1756-CNB通信模块支持ControlNet网络通信协议,可实现高速和实时的数据通信,适用于复杂的工业自动化控制系统。

  2. 高速传输:支持高达5 Mbps的数据传输速率,适用于高带宽、实时性要求高的应用场景。

  3. 高可靠性:A-B 1756-CNB通信模块采用可靠的ControlNet网络协议和硬件设计,确保通信的稳定和可靠。

  4. 易于配置:A-B 1756-CNB通信模块通过Studio 5000 Logix Designer软件进行配置,用户可以轻松地设置通信参数和网络连接。

  5. 支持多种拓扑结构:支持线性、环形、星形等多种ControlNet网络拓扑结构,适应不同的应用场景。

  6. 支持多种控制器:兼容ControlLogix和CompactLogix控制器,可以与多种罗克韦尔PLC设备进行集成。

  7. 冗余功能:支持冗余配置,通过冗余控制器和冗余网络模块实现系统的冗余备份,提高系统的可靠性。

A-B 1756-CNB实物视频:

A-B 1756-CNB实物拍摄图片:

1756-CNB (4).jpg

A-B 1756-CNBproduct details:

ControlNet communication: Supports the ControlNet network communication protocol, enabling high-speed and real-time data communication, suitable for complex industrial automation control systems.

High speed transmission: Supports data transmission rates of up to 5 Mbps, suitable for high bandwidth and real-time application scenarios.

High reliability: Adopting reliable ControlNet network protocol and hardware design to ensure stable and reliable communication.

Easy to configure: With Studio 5000 Logix Designer software, users can easily set communication parameters and network connections.

Supports multiple topology structures: supports various ControlNet network topologies such as linear, ring, and star, adapting to different application scenarios.

Supports multiple controllers: compatible with ControlLogix and CompactLogix controllers, and can be integrated with various Rockwell PLC devices.

Redundancy function: Support redundant configuration, achieve redundant backup of the system through redundant controllers and redundant network modules, and improve system reliability.

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+86 15270269218