

+86 15270269218

EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1工业显示屏模块

  • EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1工业显示屏模块
  • EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1工业显示屏模块
  • EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1工业显示屏模块

EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1工业显示屏模块 

EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1工业显示屏模块 产品详情:

  1. EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1 是一种工业显示屏模块,通常用于工业自动化和控制系统中,用于显示和监控过程数据、参数和控制界面。这种类型的工业显示屏模块通常具有以下特点和应用领域:

  2. 特点:

  3. 触摸屏功能:这些显示屏通常具有触摸屏功能,允许用户通过触摸屏幕上的图标和按钮来进行互动和控制。

  4. 高分辨率:工业显示屏通常具有高分辨率,以显示详细的图形和数据。

  5. 抗震抗振:为适应工业环境的振动和冲击,这些显示屏通常具有抗震抗振的设计。

  6. 封装性能:它们通常具有适当的封装性能,以抵御尘土、湿气和其他环境条件。

  7. 多种通信接口:这些显示屏通常支持多种通信接口,用于与各种控制器和设备进行通信,以获取实时数据。

  8. 应用领域:

  9. 工业自动化:工业显示屏模块广泛应用于自动化工厂和生产线中,用于监控和控制设备、工艺和生产过程。

  10. 数控机床:在数控机床中,这些显示屏用于操作、监控和编程机床,以实现精确的加工。

  11. 制造业:在各种制造业中,工业显示屏模块用于协调机器人、输送带和自动化设备。

  12. 物流和仓储:用于监控物流系统、仓库管理和货物分拣过程。

  13. 建筑物控制:在建筑物自动化和控制系统中,用于监控和控制照明、加热、通风、空调等设备。

  14. 食品加工和包装:用于监控食品加工设备和包装线,确保产品质量和安全。

  15. 能源管理:在能源行业中,用于监测和控制电力分布和能源生产设备。

EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1工业显示屏模块实物视频:

EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1工业显示屏模块 实物拍摄图片:


EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1  product details:

EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-13-1 is an industrial display module typically used in industrial automation and control systems to display and monitor process data, parameters, and control interfaces. This type of industrial display module typically has the following characteristics and application areas:


Touch screen functionality: These displays typically have touch screen functionality, allowing users to interact and control by touching icons and buttons on the screen.

High resolution: Industrial displays typically have high resolution to display detailed graphics and data.

Seismic and vibration resistant: In order to adapt to the vibration and impact of industrial environments, these display screens usually have seismic and vibration resistant designs.

Packaging performance: They usually have appropriate packaging performance to resist dust, moisture, and other environmental conditions.

Multiple communication interfaces: These displays typically support multiple communication interfaces for communicating with various controllers and devices to obtain real-time data.

Application field:

Industrial automation: Industrial display modules are widely used in automation factories and production lines for monitoring and controlling equipment, processes, and production processes.

CNC machine tools: In CNC machine tools, these displays are used for operating, monitoring, and programming the machine tool to achieve precise machining.

Manufacturing: In various manufacturing industries, industrial display modules are used to coordinate robots, conveyor belts, and automation equipment.

Logistics and warehousing: used to monitor logistics systems, warehouse management, and cargo sorting processes.

Building control: In building automation and control systems, it is used to monitor and control equipment such as lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, etc.

Food processing and packaging: used to monitor food processing equipment and packaging lines to ensure product quality and safety.

Energy management: In the energy industry, it is used to monitor and control power distribution and energy production equipment.

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+86 15270269218