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ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器

  • ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器
  • ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器
  • ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器
  • ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器
  • ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器

ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器  是一款专为工业称重应用设计的设备,具有高精度、高可靠性和长寿命等特点。

ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器  详情介绍:

  1. ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器是一款专为工业称重应用设计的设备,具有高精度、高可靠性和长寿命等特点。以下是关于该传感器的详细信息:

  2. 技术规格

    1. 型号:ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1
    2. 量程:5.0KN(500公斤力)
    3. 精度:高精度等级,适用于需要高精度测量的应用
    4. 材料:不锈钢、合金钢等高强度材料
    5. 防护等级:IP67,具有良好的防尘、防水性能
  3. 应用领域

    1. 食品工业:用于检测包装材料、包装容器的重量。
    2. 化工行业:用于称重和监控液体、固体的重量。
    3. 物流领域:用于称重和监控运输中的货物重量。
    4. 其他需要高精度称重的工业应用
  4. 优势特点

    1. 高精度测量:传感器具有优异的线性度和重复性,能够提供准确的重量数据。
    2. 快速响应:传感器具有快速的响应速度,能够实时监测物料的重量变化。
    3. 高可靠性:采用优质材料和先进的生产工艺,确保传感器在各种恶劣环境下稳定工作。
    4. 易于安装和维护:提供多种安装附件和易于使用的维护工具,方便用户进行安装和校准。
  5. 使用注意事项

    1. 使用前应确保传感器已正确安装并固定在台面上。
    2. 在使用过程中应避免超量程使用,以免损坏传感器。
    3. 定期进行校准和维护,以保证传感器的准确性和可靠性。
  6. 配套产品:除了传感器本身,ABB还提供一系列配套产品,如连接电缆、安装附件等,方便用户进行系统集成和安装。

  7. 技术支持与售后服务:ABB提供全面的技术支持和售后服务,确保用户在使用过程中得到及时的技术支持和问题解决方案。

  8. 总之,ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器是一款适用于各种工业称重应用的先进设备,具有高精度、高可靠性和长寿命等特点。

ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器   实物图片:


ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 称重传感器   实物视频

ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 Load Cell Details Introduction:

ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 weighing sensor is a device designed specifically for industrial weighing applications, characterized by high precision, high reliability, and long lifespan. The following is detailed information about the sensor:

Technical specifications:

Model: ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1

Range: 5.0KN (500 kgf)

Accuracy: High precision level, suitable for applications that require high-precision measurement

Materials: High strength materials such as stainless steel and alloy steel

Protection level: IP67, with good dust and water resistance performance

Application field:

Food industry: used to detect the weight of packaging materials and containers.

Chemical industry: used for weighing and monitoring the weight of liquids and solids.

Logistics field: used for weighing and monitoring the weight of goods during transportation.

Other industrial applications that require high-precision weighing.

Advantages and characteristics:

High precision measurement: Sensors have excellent linearity and repeatability, providing accurate weight data.

Quick response: The sensor has a fast response speed and can monitor the weight changes of materials in real time.

High reliability: Using high-quality materials and advanced production processes, ensuring stable operation of sensors in various harsh environments.

Easy to install and maintain: Provides a variety of installation accessories and easy-to-use maintenance tools, making it convenient for users to install and calibrate.

Precautions for use:

Before use, ensure that the sensor is correctly installed and fixed on the countertop.

During use, excessive use should be avoided to avoid damaging the sensor.

Regularly calibrate and maintain to ensure the accuracy and reliability of sensors.

Supporting products: In addition to the sensors themselves, ABB also provides a series of supporting products, such as connecting cables, installation accessories, etc., to facilitate system integration and installation for users.

Technical support and after-sales service: ABB provides comprehensive technical support and after-sales service to ensure that users receive timely technical support and problem-solving during use.

In summary, ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 weighing sensor is an advanced equipment suitable for various industrial weighing applications, characterized by high precision, high reliability, and long service life.

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+86 15270269218