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5SHY3545L0014 3BHB013085R0001工业运动传感器

  • 5SHY3545L0014 3BHB013085R0001工业运动传感器
  • 5SHY3545L0014 3BHB013085R0001工业运动传感器
  • 5SHY3545L0014 3BHB013085R0001工业运动传感器

ABB    5SHY3545L0014 3BHB013085R0001工业运动传感器    其包含了多个六轴传感器。每个传感器都能够测量三个维度的线性加速度和三个维度的旋转速率。这种传感器在整个温度范围(-40℃至85℃)内进行了校准,保证了在标准IMU中不常见的最佳性能。这种性能保证即使在温度变化的情况下,也能提供稳定的测量,以最大限度地减少导航应用中的位置和角度误差。

ABB    5SHY3545L0014 3BHB013085R0001工业运动传感器     详情介绍:

  1. 5SHY3545L0014和3BHB013085R0001是两种工业运动传感器,它们各自具有独特的产品特点。

  2. 5SHY3545L0014的特点在于其包含了多个六轴传感器。每个传感器都能够测量三个维度的线性加速度和三个维度的旋转速率。这种传感器在整个温度范围(-40℃至85℃)内进行了校准,保证了在标准IMU中不常见的最佳性能。这种性能保证即使在温度变化的情况下,也能提供稳定的测量,以最大限度地减少导航应用中的位置和角度误差。

  3. 另一方面,3BHB013085R0001是ABB的一种工业自动化控制系统中的远程I/O模块。这种模块设计用于采集和传输现场设备的信号,其采用了高性能的微处理器和先进的通讯技术。它能够实现多种数字和模拟信号的输入输出,并且支持包括Profinet、EtherNet/IP等在内的多种通讯协议,使其能够方便地与主控制器和其他设备进行通讯。此外,该模块还具有高可靠性、高稳定性和高精度等特点,能在恶劣的环境条件下正常工作,适用于各种工业自动化控制系统的应用场景。

  4. 在具体的技术参数上,3BHB013085R0001的特点包括短轴、高强度、惯性质量小,能承受高速旋转;非接触测量,具有高频响和高精度(可达0.25%),高分辨率(可达0.02%);具有300%的抗过载能力;集成了数字电路,具有较强的抗干扰能力;支持顺时针旋转或逆时针旋转;提供可选的电流或电压输出;数字输出可以通过R232接口、CANBUS或USB接口连接到通用仪表或电脑;通过电脑可以对传感器参数进行设置;并具有自检功能,能够自动通知扭转情况。

  5. 总的来说,这两种传感器在工业运动控制领域都有其独特的应用价值。具体选择哪种传感器,需要根据实际应用场景和需求进行综合考虑。

ABB    5SHY3545L0014 3BHB013085R0001工业运动传感器      实物图片:


ABB    5SHY3545L0014 3BHB013085R0001工业运动传感器      实物视频

ABB 5SHY3545L0014 3BHB013085R0001 Industrial motion sensor details introduction:

5SHY3545L0014 and 3BHB013085R0001 are two types of industrial motion sensors, each with unique product characteristics.

The characteristic of 5SHY3545L0014 is that it includes multiple six axis sensors. Each sensor is capable of measuring linear acceleration in three dimensions and rotational speed in three dimensions. This sensor has been calibrated throughout the entire temperature range (-40 ℃ to 85 ℃), ensuring optimal performance that is not commonly seen in standard IMUs. This performance ensures stable measurement even in the event of temperature changes, minimizing position and angle errors in navigation applications.

On the other hand, 3BHB013085R0001 is a remote I/O module in ABB's industrial automation control system. This module is designed to collect and transmit signals from on-site devices, and it uses high-performance microprocessors and advanced communication technology. It can achieve input and output of various digital and analog signals, and supports various communication protocols including Profinet, EtherNet/IP, etc., making it easy to communicate with the main controller and other devices. In addition, this module also has the characteristics of high reliability, high stability, and high precision, which can work normally in harsh environmental conditions and is suitable for various industrial automation control system application scenarios.

In terms of specific technical parameters, the characteristics of 3BHB013085R0001 include short axis, high strength, small inertia mass, and the ability to withstand high-speed rotation; Non contact measurement, with high-frequency response and high accuracy (up to 0.25%), high resolution (up to 0.02%); Has 300% overload resistance; Integrated with digital circuits, it has strong anti-interference ability; Supports clockwise or counterclockwise rotation; Provide optional current or voltage output; Digital output can be connected to general instruments or computers through R232 interface, CANBUS or USB interface; Sensor parameters can be set through a computer; And it has a self check function, which can automatically notify of the reversal situation.

Overall, both types of sensors have their unique application value in the field of industrial motion control. The specific choice of sensor needs to be comprehensively considered based on actual application scenarios and requirements.

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+86 15270269218