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PFEA113-65 张力控制器

  • PFEA113-65 张力控制器
  • PFEA113-65 张力控制器
  • PFEA113-65 张力控制器

ABB PFEA113-65 张力控制器   是一种用于控制卷材或连续材料在生产和加工过程中张力的设备。它通常由张力传感器、控制系统和执行器组成。

ABB PFEA113-65 张力控制器  详情介绍:

  1. PFEA113-65张力控制器是一种用于控制卷材或连续材料在生产和加工过程中张力的设备。它通常由张力传感器、控制系统和执行器组成。

  2. 张力传感器是张力控制器的核心部件,用于测量卷材或连续材料的张力。传感器将测量到的张力信号转换为电信号,并输入给控制系统。控制系统接收到张力信号后,进行信号处理和计算,并根据设定的张力目标值进行比较。根据比较结果,控制系统通过调节执行器的输出,实现对物料张力的精确控制。

  3. 执行器根据控制系统的指令,调节张力控制设备的工作状态来实现对物料张力的调节。常见的执行器有电机、气缸等。通过不断调节执行器的输出,控制系统可以实时监控和调节物料的张力,保持其在一个可控的范围内。

  4. PFEA113-65张力控制器具有高精度、高可靠性、高精度和高灵敏度等优点,使得它在实时监测材料的张力状态方面表现得非常出色。它广泛应用于电线电缆、光纤光缆、造纸、印刷、纺织等行业,用于控制卷材或连续材料的张力,以提高产品质量和生产效率。

ABB PFEA113-65 张力控制器    实物图片:


ABB PFEA113-65 张力控制器  实物视频

ABB PFEA113-65 tension controller details introduction:

PFEA113-65 tension controller is a device used to control the tension of coil or continuous materials during production and processing. It usually consists of tension sensors, control systems, and actuators.

The tension sensor is the core component of the tension controller, used to measure the tension of rolls or continuous materials. The sensor converts the measured tension signal into an electrical signal and inputs it into the control system. After receiving the tension signal, the control system processes and calculates the signal, and compares it with the set tension target value. According to the comparison results, the control system achieves precise control of material tension by adjusting the output of the actuator.

The actuator adjusts the working status of the tension control equipment according to the instructions of the control system to achieve the adjustment of material tension. Common actuators include motors, cylinders, etc. By continuously adjusting the output of the actuator, the control system can monitor and adjust the tension of the material in real time, maintaining it within a controllable range.

The PFEA113-65 tension controller has the advantages of high precision, high reliability, high precision, and high sensitivity, making it perform very well in real-time monitoring of the tension state of materials. It is widely used in industries such as wire and cable, fiber optic cable, papermaking, printing, textile, etc., to control the tension of rolls or continuous materials, in order to improve product quality and production efficiency.

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+86 15270269218