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LM80 激光物位计

  • LM80  激光物位计
  • LM80  激光物位计
  • LM80  激光物位计

ABB  LM80  激光物位计    是一款高性能的激光测量仪表,主要用于精确测量物位、距离和长距离定位。它基于脉冲激光技术,结合了速度与精度,使得测量更为准确且迅速。

ABB  LM80  激光物位计   详情介绍:



  1. 非接触式测量:适用于颗粒状固体物料和不透明液体的测量,避免了传统接触式测量可能带来的误差和损坏。
  2. 即插即用:无论是狭窄的空间还是高达数十米的高空,LM80都能提供精确的物位测量解决方案,且安装简便,无需复杂的设置过程。
  3. 高精度与长距离测量:在物位应用中,LM80的测量距离高达100米,而在定位应用中,其测量距离甚至可以达到150米,这主要得益于其高精度的计时和复杂的信号处理特性。
  4. 易于使用和维护:LM80激光物位计设计人性化,用户可以轻松上手。同时,其维护也相对简单,减少了用户的维护成本和时间。




ABB  LM80  激光物位计   实物图片:


ABB  LM80  激光物位计     实物视频

ABB LM80 laser level meter details introduction:

LM80 laser level meter is a high-performance laser measuring instrument mainly used for precise measurement of level, distance, and long-distance positioning. It is based on pulse laser technology, combining speed and accuracy, making measurements more accurate and rapid.

The main features of the LM80 laser level meter include:

Non contact measurement: suitable for measuring granular solid materials and opaque liquids, avoiding the errors and damages that traditional contact measurement may bring.

Plug and play: Whether in narrow spaces or at altitudes as high as tens of meters, the LM80 can provide precise level measurement solutions, and installation is simple without the need for complex setup processes.

High precision and long-distance measurement: In level applications, the measurement distance of LM80 can reach up to 100 meters, while in positioning applications, its measurement distance can even reach 150 meters, mainly due to its high-precision timing and complex signal processing characteristics.

Easy to use and maintain: The LM80 laser level meter is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for users to get started. Meanwhile, its maintenance is relatively simple, reducing the maintenance cost and time for users.

In practical applications, LM80 laser level meters are widely used in various industrial environments, such as chemical, power, metallurgy, environmental protection, etc. For situations that require precise measurement of level and distance, LM80 can provide reliable solutions.

However, although the LM80 laser level meter has many advantages, it is still necessary to pay attention to its working environment, temperature, humidity and other factors when using it to ensure that it operates in the best state to obtain the most accurate measurement results. Meanwhile, for complex measurement requirements, it may be necessary to combine other measurement equipment and instruments for comprehensive application.

Overall, the LM80 laser level gauge is a high-performance, easy-to-use, and maintainable level measuring instrument that can meet various measurement needs in complex environments.

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+86 15270269218