

+86 15270269218


  • REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG  馈线保护和测控装置
  • REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG  馈线保护和测控装置
  • REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG  馈线保护和测控装置

ABB REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG  馈线保护和测控装置 该装置集保护、测量、控制、监视功能于一体,可以实现对馈线的全方位保护和管理,提高了电力系统的运行效率和安全性。

ABB REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG  馈线保护和测控装置 详情介绍:

REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG馈线保护和测控装置是一款功能全面、性能稳定的电力保护装置,具有以下几个显著的产品特点:

  1. 多功能集成:该装置集保护、测量、控制、监视功能于一体,可以实现对馈线的全方位保护和管理,提高了电力系统的运行效率和安全性。
  2. 高灵敏度和选择性:其独特的接地故障保护功能使得装置能够迅速、准确地检测并响应故障,具有高灵敏度和选择性,有效防止故障扩大,减少了对电力系统的影响。
  3. 广泛的适应性:该装置能够适应不同类型的电网,包括中性点不接地电网以及中性点电阻或阻抗接地电网,显示出了其强大的灵活性和适应性。
  4. 先进的通信功能:具备先进的站级间通信功能,使其能够适用于环形网状配电网络或辐射网络保护,被保护的电网可以包含多次馈电和分布式发电,大大增强了其在复杂电力系统中的应用能力。
  5. 广泛的应用领域:REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG馈线保护和测控装置的应用领域非常广泛,覆盖电力、水利、交通、石油、化工、煤炭、供电局配网、数据中心、商场、学校、医院、新能源等行业,能够满足不同行业对馈线保护和测控的需求。
  6. 高可靠性:该装置设计精良,工艺先进,能够在恶劣环境下长期稳定运行,保证了其高可靠性,为电力系统的稳定运行提供了有力保障。

总的来说,REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG馈线保护和测控装置以其多功能集成、高灵敏度和选择性、广泛的适应性、先进的通信功能、广泛的应用领域以及高可靠性等特点,为电力系统的安全稳定运行提供了重要的支持。

ABB REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG  馈线保护和测控装置 实物图片:


ABB REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG  馈线保护和测控装置 实物视频

ABB REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG feeder protection and measurement device details introduction:

REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG feeder protection and measurement device is a comprehensive and stable power protection device with the following significant product characteristics:

Multi functional integration: This device integrates protection, measurement, control, and monitoring functions, enabling comprehensive protection and management of feeder lines, improving the operational efficiency and safety of the power system.

High sensitivity and selectivity: Its unique ground fault protection function enables the device to quickly and accurately detect and respond to faults, with high sensitivity and selectivity, effectively preventing fault expansion and reducing the impact on the power system.

Wide adaptability: This device can adapt to different types of power grids, including ungrounded neutral grids and neutral resistance or impedance grounded neutral grids, demonstrating its strong flexibility and adaptability.

Advanced communication function: Equipped with advanced inter station communication function, it can be applied to circular mesh distribution network or radiation network protection. The protected power grid can include multiple feedings and distributed generation, greatly enhancing its application ability in complex power systems.

Widely applicable fields: The REF615 HBFEAEGNDA1ABA1XG feeder protection and measurement device has a wide range of applications, covering industries such as power, water conservancy, transportation, petroleum, chemical, coal, power supply bureau distribution network, data centers, shopping malls, schools, hospitals, new energy, etc., and can meet the needs of different industries for feeder protection and measurement.

High reliability: The device is well-designed, advanced in technology, and can operate stably in harsh environments for a long time, ensuring its high reliability and providing strong support for the stable operation of the power system.

Overall, the REF615 HBFEAEGNDA1ABA1XG feeder protection and measurement device provides important support for the safe and stable operation of the power system due to its multifunctional integration, high sensitivity and selectivity, wide adaptability, advanced communication functions, wide application areas, and high reliability.

ABB REF615 HBFEAEAGNDA1ABA1XG  馈线保护和测控装置  相关产品:

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+86 15270269218