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REX010 接地故障保护装置

  • REX010 接地故障保护装置
  • REX010 接地故障保护装置
  • REX010 接地故障保护装置

ABB REX010 接地故障保护装置     该装置集保护、测是一种专为发电机侧接地故障设计的分段配置保护设备。其主要功能在于对发电机进行高效的接地故障保护,确保发电机在各种工作状态下都能稳定运行。

ABB REX010 接地故障保护装置     详情介绍:

ABB REX010接地故障保护装置的产品特点主要体现在以下几个方面:

  1. 高效的发电机侧接地故障保护:REX010装置专为发电机侧接地故障设计,具备高效的分段配置保护功能,确保发电机在各种工作状态下都能得到可靠的保护。
  2. 全面的定子和转子保护:通过REG216/316*4,REX010能够实现100%的定子和转子接地故障保护,这意味着无论故障发生在发电机的哪个部分,该装置都能迅速并准确地检测到,从而进行及时保护。
  3. 广泛的适用性:REX010不仅适用于普通发电机的接地和励磁系统,而且其保护功能在机器的所有状态中都是有效的,包括静止状态以及启动和运行状态。这种广泛的适用性使得REX010能够满足各种复杂工作环境的需求。
  4. 高度的安全性和可靠性:REX010接地故障保护装置具备高度的安全性和可靠性,通过精确的检测和快速的响应,确保发电机在遭受接地故障时能够得到及时、有效的保护,从而避免可能的设备损坏和生产中断。

总的来说,ABB REX010接地故障保护装置以其高效、全面、广泛适用以及高度安全可靠的特性,为发电机的安全运行提供了有力的保障。

ABB REX010 接地故障保护装置  实物图片:


ABB REX010 接地故障保护装置   实物视频

Details of ABB REX010 Ground Fault Protection Device:

The product features of ABB REX010 ground fault protection device are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Efficient generator side ground fault protection: The REX010 device is designed specifically for generator side ground faults and has an efficient segmented configuration protection function, ensuring that the generator can receive reliable protection under various working conditions.

Comprehensive stator and rotor protection: Through REG216/316 * 4, REX010 can achieve 100% stator and rotor ground fault protection, which means that regardless of which part of the generator the fault occurs in, the device can quickly and accurately detect it, thus providing timely protection.

Wide applicability: REX010 is not only suitable for the grounding and excitation systems of ordinary generators, but also its protection function is effective in all machine states, including static state as well as starting and operating states. This wide applicability enables REX010 to meet the needs of various complex work environments.

High level of safety and reliability: The REX010 ground fault protection device has a high level of safety and reliability. Through precise detection and rapid response, it ensures that the generator can receive timely and effective protection in case of ground faults, thereby avoiding possible equipment damage and production interruption.

Overall, ABB REX010 ground fault protection device provides strong guarantees for the safe operation of generators with its efficient, comprehensive, widely applicable, and highly safe and reliable characteristics.

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+86 15270269218