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SAFT183VMC 高速脉冲单元模块

  • SAFT183VMC 高速脉冲单元模块
  • SAFT183VMC 高速脉冲单元模块

ABB  SAFT183VMC 高速脉冲单元模块  SAFT183VMC基于ARM@Cortex TM-M3内核和哈怫总线结构,这种设计使得模块具有出色的运算和控制能力。它还配备了DMA控制器、单周期乘法指令和硬件除法指令,从而提升了其处理复杂计算任务的能力。

ABB  SAFT183VMC 高速脉冲单元模块   详情介绍:


  1. 控制器特性:SAFT183VMC基于ARM@Cortex TM-M3内核和哈怫总线结构,这种设计使得模块具有出色的运算和控制能力。它还配备了DMA控制器、单周期乘法指令和硬件除法指令,从而提升了其处理复杂计算任务的能力。
  2. 高速运转:与ARM7TDMI相比,SAFT183VMC的运转速度可以快35%,且代码可以节约最多45%。其90DMIPs的运转速度和72MHZ主频运转的CPU确保了模块在处理各种任务时的高效性。
  3. 内存配置:SAFT183VMC配备了6K~20K字节的SRAM和32K~128K字节的存储空间,这种配置使得模块能够处理大量数据,满足各种应用需求。
  4. 精确度和量程:该模块具有出色的精确度和量程,精确度范围在0.1~1.2之间,量程为100~320,这使得它在各种工业应用中都能提供稳定可靠的性能。


ABB  SAFT183VMC 高速脉冲单元模块   实物图片:


ABB  SAFT183VMC 高速脉冲单元模块    实物视频

Details of ABB SAFT183VMC high-speed pulse unit module:

The SAFT183VMC high-speed pulse unit module has multiple significant product characteristics. Here are some detailed information about its characteristics:

Controller features: SAFT183VMC based on ARM@Cortex The TM-M3 core and Hadoop bus structure enable the module to have excellent computing and control capabilities. It is also equipped with a DMA controller, single cycle multiplication instructions, and hardware division instructions, thereby enhancing its ability to handle complex computing tasks.

High speed operation: Compared with ARM7TDMI, SAFT183VMC can run 35% faster and save up to 45% code. The running speed of 90DMIPs and the CPU with a main frequency of 72MHz ensure the efficiency of the module in handling various tasks.

Memory configuration: SAFT183VMC is equipped with 6K~20K bytes of SRAM and 32K~128K bytes of storage space, which enables the module to process large amounts of data and meet various application requirements.

Accuracy and Range: This module has excellent accuracy and range, with an accuracy range of 0.1~1.2 and a range of 100~320, which enables it to provide stable and reliable performance in various industrial applications.

In summary, the SAFT183VMC high-speed pulse unit module has become an ideal choice in industrial automation systems due to its excellent controller characteristics, high-speed operation capability, memory configuration, accuracy, and range. Whether in tasks that require high-speed processing or applications that require precise control, SAFT183VMC can provide excellent performance and reliability.

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+86 15270269218