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CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 硬件通信模块

  • CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 硬件通信模块
  • CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 硬件通信模块
  • CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 硬件通信模块

ABB CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 硬件通信模块   是一款高性能的硬件通信模块,广泛应用于工业自动化和控制系统领域。

ABB CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 硬件通信模块   详情介绍:

CI854K01 3BSE025961R1是一款高性能的硬件通信模块,广泛应用于工业自动化和控制系统领域。以下是关于该通信模块的详细介绍:

该通信模块支持多种现场总线协议,如Profibus DP-V1、PROFInet IO、Modbus TCP等,这使得它能够轻松地将ABB现场设备连接到控制系统中,实现实时数据交换和通信。因此,无论您的系统采用哪种通信标准,CI854K01 3BSE025961R1都能提供可靠且高效的通信解决方案。

此外,该模块支持最多120个节点,每个节点可以有244个输入和244个输出,这为其提供了强大的扩展能力,能够满足大型复杂系统的需求。同时,它还具有高数据传输速率,支持最高12 Mbit/s的传输速率,保证了数据的高速、准确传输。

在硬件规格方面,CI854K01 3BSE025961R1具有优异的机械尺寸设计,高度为177 mm,宽度为35 mm,深度为145 mm,这使得它能够在各种空间受限的环境中灵活部署。同时,其工作温度范围从-25°C至+60°C,保证了在各种恶劣环境下的稳定运行。

在电源供应方面,该模块采用24 VDC供电,电流约0.4 A,这使得它在电源供应方面具有较高的灵活性和适应性。

此外,CI854K01 3BSE025961R1还具有强大的远程诊断和调试功能,方便用户进行故障排查和系统维护。它支持远程诊断和调试,用户可以通过远程连接对模块进行配置、监控和故障排查,大大提高了系统的可维护性和可用性。

在编程和配置方面,该模块支持多种编程语言和开发环境,如AC500 PLC和Automation Builder等,方便用户进行编程和调试。用户可以根据实际需求,通过编程实现各种复杂的控制逻辑和自动化任务。同时,模块的配置也非常灵活,用户可以根据通信协议、节点地址等参数进行必要的配置,确保模块可以正确通信。

在可靠性方面,CI854K01 3BSE025961R1经过严格的质量控制和测试,具有高可靠性和稳定性。它能够在长时间无故障运行中保持稳定的性能,确保系统的持续稳定运行。

综上所述,CI854K01 3BSE025961R1是一款功能强大、性能稳定、易于编程和配置的硬件通信模块。它能够满足各种工业自动化和控制系统的需求,为用户提供高效、可靠的通信解决方案。无论是在大型工业生产线还是复杂的自动化系统中,它都能发挥出卓越的性能,为系统的稳定运行提供有力保障。

ABB CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 硬件通信模块    实物图片:


ABB CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 硬件通信模块  实物视频

ABB CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 Hardware Communication Module Details Introduction:

CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 is a high-performance hardware communication module widely used in the fields of industrial automation and control systems. The following is a detailed introduction to the communication module:

This communication module supports multiple fieldbus protocols, such as Profibus DP-V1, PROFInet IO, Modbus TCP, etc., which makes it easy to connect ABB field devices to the control system, achieving real-time data exchange and communication. Therefore, regardless of which communication standard your system adopts, CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 can provide a reliable and efficient communication solution.

In addition, the module supports up to 120 nodes, each with 244 inputs and 244 outputs, providing it with powerful scalability to meet the needs of large and complex systems. At the same time, it also has a high data transfer rate, supporting a transfer rate of up to 12 Mbit/s, ensuring high-speed and accurate data transmission.

In terms of hardware specifications, CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 has excellent mechanical size design, with a height of 177 mm, a width of 35 mm, and a depth of 145 mm, which allows it to be flexibly deployed in various space limited environments. Meanwhile, its working temperature range ranges from -25 ° C to+60 ° C, ensuring stable operation in various harsh environments.

In terms of power supply, the module is powered by 24 VDC with a current of approximately 0.4 A, which makes it highly flexible and adaptable in terms of power supply.

In addition, CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 also has powerful remote diagnosis and debugging functions, making it convenient for users to troubleshoot and maintain the system. It supports remote diagnosis and debugging, allowing users to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot modules through remote connections, greatly improving the maintainability and availability of the system.

In terms of programming and configuration, this module supports multiple programming languages and development environments, such as AC500 PLC and Automation Builder, making it convenient for users to program and debug. Users can implement various complex control logic and automation tasks through programming according to their actual needs. At the same time, the configuration of the module is also very flexible, and users can make necessary configurations based on communication protocols, node addresses, and other parameters to ensure that the module can communicate correctly.

In terms of reliability, CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 has undergone strict quality control and testing, demonstrating high reliability and stability. It can maintain stable performance during long-term fault free operation, ensuring the continuous and stable operation of the system.

In summary, CI854K01 3BSE025961R1 is a powerful, stable, easy to program and configure hardware communication module. It can meet the needs of various industrial automation and control systems, providing users with efficient and reliable communication solutions. It can perform excellently in both large-scale industrial production lines and complex automation systems, providing strong guarantees for the stable operation of the system.

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