

+86 15270269218

V17152-310 温度变送器

  •  V17152-310  温度变送器
  •  V17152-310  温度变送器
  •  V17152-310  温度变送器
  •  V17152-310  温度变送器
  •  V17152-310  温度变送器

ABB   V17152-310  温度变送器   具备高精度、高可靠性、长寿命等特点,以及良好的电磁兼容性和抗干扰能力,确保在各种复杂环境中都能提供准确的温度测量和转换功能

ABB   V17152-310  温度变送器   详情介绍:


  1. 石油和化工行业:温度变送器用于测量和控制油井、储罐、管道等设备的温度,确保生产过程的安全和稳定。
  2. 电力行业:在发电厂、变电站等设备中,温度变送器用于监测和控制温度,保证设备的正常运行和使用寿命。
  3. 冶金行业:在冶炼炉、轧钢机等设备的温度测量和控制中,温度变送器起到关键作用,有助于提高生产效率和产品质量。
  4. 轻工和食品行业:在轻工和食品行业,温度变送器用于监测和控制生产过程中的温度,确保产品的质量和安全。
  5. 宽输入电压范围:该温度变送器的输入电压范围为12-48VDC,这意味着它可以在较宽的电压范围内稳定工作,适应不同的电源环境。
  6. 稳定的输出电压:其输出电压范围为5VDC,为控制系统或仪表提供了稳定的信号输入。
  7. 大输出电流:最大输出电流为10A,满足各种应用场景下的电流需求。
  8. 高效率:该温度变送器的效率大于90%,表明其能量转换效率高,有助于减少能源消耗和热量损失。
  9. 紧凑的尺寸和轻量化设计:尺寸为170mm x 105mm x 32mm,重量约120g,使其易于安装和集成到各种设备中。
  10. 宽运行温度范围:可在-20°C至+50°C的温度范围内正常工作,适应各种环境条件下的温度测量需求。


    ABB   V17152-310  温度变送器   实物图片:


    ABB   V17152-310  温度变送器   实物视频

    ABB V17152-310 temperature transmitter details introduction:

    ABB temperature transmitters have a wide range of application scenarios, mainly including the following areas:

    The petroleum and chemical industry: Temperature transmitters are used to measure and control the temperature of equipment such as oil wells, storage tanks, and pipelines, ensuring the safety and stability of the production process.

    Power industry: In power plants, substations and other equipment, temperature transmitters are used to monitor and control temperature, ensuring the normal operation and service life of the equipment.

    Metallurgical industry: Temperature transmitters play a crucial role in temperature measurement and control of equipment such as smelting furnaces and rolling mills, helping to improve production efficiency and product quality.

    Light Industry and Food Industry: In the light industry and food industry, temperature transmitters are used to monitor and control the temperature during the production process, ensuring product quality and safety.

    Wide input voltage range: The input voltage range of this temperature transmitter is 12-48VDC, which means it can operate stably over a wide voltage range and adapt to different power environments.

    Stable output voltage: Its output voltage range is 5VDC, providing stable signal input for control systems or instruments.

    Large output current: The maximum output current is 10A, which meets the current requirements in various application scenarios.

    High efficiency: The efficiency of this temperature transmitter is greater than 90%, indicating its high energy conversion efficiency, which helps to reduce energy consumption and heat loss.

    Compact size and lightweight design: measuring 170mm x 105mm x 32mm, weighing approximately 120g, making it easy to install and integrate into various devices.

    Wide operating temperature range: can operate normally within the temperature range of -20 ° C to+50 ° C, and adapt to temperature measurement needs under various environmental conditions.

    In addition, ABB temperature transmitters are widely used in industrial automation control systems, such as temperature monitoring and control of machinery and equipment in the mechanical manufacturing industry, as well as ovens and refrigeration equipment in daily life scenarios. By measuring temperature and outputting electrical signals, temperature transmitters can achieve temperature monitoring and control, effectively improving the safety and stability of industrial production and living environments.

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    +86 15270269218