

+86 15270269218


  • LM80激光物位计是一款高性能的激光测量设备
  • LM80激光物位计是一款高性能的激光测量设备
  • LM80激光物位计是一款高性能的激光测量设备
  • LM80激光物位计是一款高性能的激光测量设备
  • LM80激光物位计是一款高性能的激光测量设备

ABB LM80激光物位计 是一款高性能的激光测量设备,主要用于精确测量物位、距离和进行长距离定位。

ABB LM80激光物位计  详情介绍:


  1. 技术特点:
  • 基于脉冲激光技术,同时体现了速度与精度,易于使用和安装。
  • 高精度的计时和复杂的信号处理特点,使其在物位应用中高达100米(330英尺),定位应用中高达150米(500英尺)。
  • 每秒读取3次,光束发散角小,具有可见瞄准指示器。
  • 分辨率高,精度可达25mm/1”。
  • 支持模拟4-20mA信号和2路数字继电器输出。
  1. 应用场景:
  • 工业自动化:LM80激光物位计可用于监测和控制生产线上的物料水平,确保准确的物料投送和加工。
  • 仓储和物流:在仓库管理中,LM80可用于监测货物堆叠高度,以便更有效地管理仓储空间。
  • 采矿和矿业:用于测量矿石或其他物料的堆积高度,以便进行库存管理和生产优化。
  • 水处理和污水处理:在水处理过程中,LM80可用于测量水位或液体的高度,以确保正常运行和控制流程。


    ABB LM80激光物位计  实物图片:


    ABB LM80激光物位计  实物视频

    ABB LM80 laser level meter details introduction:

    LM80 laser level meter is a high-performance laser measurement equipment mainly used for precise measurement of level, distance, and long-distance positioning. The following are some main characteristics and application scenarios of the LM80 laser level meter:

    Technical features:

    Based on pulse laser technology, it reflects both speed and accuracy, making it easy to use and install.

    The high-precision timing and complex signal processing characteristics make it up to 100 meters (330 feet) in level applications and up to 150 meters (500 feet) in positioning applications.

    Read 3 times per second, with a small beam divergence angle and a visible aiming indicator.

    High resolution, with an accuracy of up to 25mm/1.

    Supports analog 4-20mA signals and 2-way digital relay outputs.

    Application scenario:

    Industrial automation: The LM80 laser level gauge can be used to monitor and control the material level on the production line, ensuring accurate material delivery and processing.

    Warehousing and logistics: In warehouse management, LM80 can be used to monitor the stacking height of goods for more effective management of warehouse space.

    Mining and mining: used to measure the stacking height of ore or other materials for inventory management and production optimization.

    Water treatment and sewage treatment: During the water treatment process, LM80 can be used to measure water level or liquid height to ensure normal operation and control processes.

    The LM80 laser level meter, as a non-contact, level measuring instrument, is designed for measuring granular solid materials and opaque liquids, providing accurate and reliable level measurement solutions for various application scenarios.

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    +86 15270269218