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PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块

  • PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块
  • PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块
  • PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块
  • PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块
  • PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块

ABB PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块 该模块支持高达8 GB的DDR3L内存扩展,这为运行大型程序和处理大量数据提供了足够的内存空间。

ABB PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块 详情介绍:

PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块具有以下产品特点:

  1. 内存支持:该模块支持高达8 GB的DDR3L内存扩展,这为运行大型程序和处理大量数据提供了足够的内存空间。
  2. 高性能处理器:模块提供了根据SKU(库存量单位)提供不同性能级别的新处理器,确保能够满足各种应用需求。
  3. 显示和音频性能:增强的显示分辨率和改进的音频引擎使该模块在需要高质量多媒体表现的应用中表现出色,例如游戏和信息亭等媒体密集型应用。
  4. 网络连接:PM858控制器的底板有两个RJ45以太网端口(CN1、CN2)和两个RJ45串行端口(COM3、COM4)。其中一个串行端口(COM3)是带调制解调器控制信号的RS-232C端口,而另一个端口(COM4)是隔离的,用于连接配置工具。
  5. CPU冗余支持:控制器支持CPU冗余,以提高系统的可用性。这包括CPU、CEX-Bus、通信接口和S800 I/O的冗余支持。
  6. I/O定制能力:该模块提供了双路100 MS/s 14位模拟输入和双路100 MS/s 16位模拟输出的基带收发器适配器,非常适合定制基带接口和超高速控制应用。
  7. 易用性:模块具有简单的DIN导轨连接/分离程序,使用独特的滑动和锁定机制,方便用户进行安装和维护。此外,所有的底板都有一个以太网地址,为每个CPU提供了一个硬件标识,便于管理。

请注意,该模块可能与特定的软件版本(如System 800xA 6.0.2、Compact Control Builder 6.0.0-1及以上版本)兼容,因此在购买和使用前请确保与您的系统兼容。

    ABB PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块 实物图片:


    ABB PM858 3BSE093350R1处理器模块  实物视频

    ABB PM858 3BSE093350R1 processor module details introduction:

    The PM858 3BSE093350R1 processor module has the following product features:

    Memory support: This module supports up to 8 GB of DDR3L memory expansion, providing sufficient memory space for running large programs and processing large amounts of data.

    High performance processors: The module provides new processors with different performance levels based on SKUs (inventory units), ensuring that they can meet various application requirements.

    Display and audio performance: The enhanced display resolution and improved audio engine make this module perform well in applications that require high-quality multimedia performance, such as media intensive applications such as games and information kiosks.

    Network connection: The motherboard of the PM858 controller has two RJ45 Ethernet ports (CN1, CN2) and two RJ45 serial ports (COM3, COM4). One of the serial ports (COM3) is an RS-232C port with a modem control signal, while the other port (COM4) is isolated and used to connect configuration tools.

    CPU redundancy support: The controller supports CPU redundancy to improve system availability. This includes redundant support for CPU, CEX-Bus, communication interfaces, and S800 I/O.

    I/O customization capability: This module provides a baseband transceiver adapter with dual 100 MS/s 14 bit analog inputs and dual 100 MS/s 16 bit analog outputs, which is very suitable for customizing baseband interfaces and ultra high speed control applications.

    Usability: The module features a simple DIN rail connection/separation program and unique sliding and locking mechanisms, making it easy for users to install and maintain. In addition, all motherboards have an Ethernet address, providing a hardware identifier for each CPU for easy management.

    Please note that this module may be compatible with specific software versions (such as System 800xA 6.0.2, Compact Control Builder and above), so please ensure compatibility with your system before purchasing and using it.

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    +86 15270269218