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RED521 1MRK002003-BA差动保护端子

  • RED521 1MRK002003-BA差动保护端子
  • RED521 1MRK002003-BA差动保护端子
  • RED521 1MRK002003-BA差动保护端子
  • RED521 1MRK002003-BA差动保护端子

RED521 1MRK002003-BA差动保护端子由于其独特的测量原理,与其他数字差动保护设备相比,其CT要求非常低。

RED521 1MRK002003-BA产品实物图片:

RED521 1MRK002003-BA--5.jpg

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RED521 1MRK002003-BA产品详情介绍:

视角数字差动保护端子RED 521为母线、发电机、自耦变压器、关闭电抗器和电容器组提供快速和选择性分相保护。该终端优越的安全性和可靠性是基于ABB对母线保护的深入了解。作为一种选择,RED 521使用求和CT原理提供了一种更具成本效益的解决方案。RED 521终端不仅仅是一流的产品。它附带了一个关于产品及其在应用程序中的使用的增值信息包。技术数据、用户文档和连接图等信息对于确保终端在其整个使用寿命内顺利高效地使用至关重要。

快速稳定同时RED 521在所有内部故障下的极短操作时间通常为10-15ms,无论连接的馈线数量如何。同时,即使发生严重的CT饱和,终端也能保持对外部故障的完全性。这种速度和稳定性的独特组合对于有效的母线保护至关重要。RED 521由于其独特的测量原理,与其他数字差动保护设备相比,其CT要求非常低。这也允许CT电路与其他继电器共享以节省成本。

易于使用的RED 521提供了一种紧凑的解决方案,可以轻松地适应不同的母线配置。最多可以将18个电流互感器直接连接到端子。它对于任何应用都很简单,因为只需要两个操作设置,而不需要企业辅助CT。CT比率是从前置HMI输入的主要值。这大大缩短了调试和安装时间。RED 521是改造和新安装的理想解决方案,因为它可以连接到与保护继电器相同的CT芯上,而无需辅助CT。

Fast and stable at the same timeThe extremely short operate time of RED 521 is typically 10-15ms at all internal faults, regardless of the number of connectedfeeders. At the same time, the terminal maintains completestability for external faults, even when heavy CT saturationoccurs. This unique combination of speed and stability is essentialfor effective busbar protection. RED 521 has very low CTrequirements compared to other numerical differential protectiondevices due to its unique measuring principle. This also allowssharing of CT circuits with other relays to save costs.
Easy to useRED 521 offers a compact solution that can be easily adaptedto different busbar configurations. Up to 18 current transformerscan be connected directly to the terminal. It is simple to engineerfor any application since only two operational settings and nointerposing auxiliary CTs are needed. The CT ratios are enteredas primary values from the front mounted HMI. This significantlyreduces both commissioning and installation time. RED 521 isthe ideal solution for your retrofits and new installations sinceit can be connected to the same CT cores as protection relayswithout auxiliary CTs.

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+86 15270269218