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REL561 1MRK002496-AC线路差动保护终端

  • REL561 1MRK002496-AC线路差动保护终端
  • REL561 1MRK002496-AC线路差动保护终端
  • REL561 1MRK002496-AC线路差动保护终端
  • REL561 1MRK002496-AC线路差动保护终端

REL561 1MRK002496-AC线路差动保护终端是变电站和输电线路差动保护应用的基本单元,是PANORAMA变电站自动化的一部分。

REL561 1MRK002496-AC线路差动保护终端产品展示

REL561 1MRK002496-AC.jpg

REL561 1MRK002496-AC线路差动保护终端实物视频

REL561 1MRK002496-AC线路差动保护终端详情介绍


电流微分函数采用主/主设计,利用电流幅度和相位角分别评估两端的每个相电流(分离矢量比较)。为了提取正弦和余弦分量,对所有电流进行傅立叶滤波。这六个分量,每相两个,包括在一个消息中,该消息每5毫秒通过一个同步的56/64 kbit/s数据信道发送到远程终端。消息中还包括差分功能监控、CT饱和检测、终端同步、传输跳闸信号等信息。差分测量与当前标量和逐相稳定。稳定的程度是可以设定的。所有电流都由CT饱和检测器单独监控,以最大限度地减少对电流互感器的要求。在CT饱和的情况下,两端受影响阶段的稳定程度都会增加。

ApplicationCurrent differential protection compares thecurrents entering and leaving a protectedoverhead line or cable. A dependable communication facility is needed to allow information exchange between the terminals at theline ends.This differential function offers phase-segregated true current differential protection fortransmission, sub-transmission and distribution networks. It is in all a numerical systemfor use with modern digital communicationsystems including multiplexed and routeswitched systems. Currents are compared ona per phase basis, obviating the problem ofthe current summation approach and providing phase selection information for singlepole tripping.
The current differential function is of master/master design, evaluating each phase currentseparately at both ends, utilising both the current amplitude and phase angle (segregatedvector comparison).All currents are Fourier filtered in order toextract the sine and cosine components. Thesix components, two per phase, are includedin a message that is transmitted every 5 ms tothe remote terminal over a synchronous56/64 kbit/s data channel. Also included inthe message is information for differentialfunction supervision, CT saturation detection,synchronisation of terminals, transfer tripsignals etc.The differential measurement is stabilisedphase by phase with the current scalar sum. The degree of stabilisation issettable.All currents are individually supervised byCT saturation detectors to minimise therequirements to the current transformers. Inthe event of CT saturation, the degree ofstabilisation is increased in the affected phasein both ends.

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+86 15270269218