

+86 15270269218


  •  REX521GHHPSH51G馈线和电动机保护继电器
  •  REX521GHHPSH51G馈线和电动机保护继电器
  •  REX521GHHPSH51G馈线和电动机保护继电器
  •  REX521GHHPSH51G馈线和电动机保护继电器

 REX521GHHPSH51G馈线和电动机保护继电器ABB公司变电站综合自动化系统成员之一。该继电器使用通用组态、整定和监视工具软件— CAP 501和CAP 505,并采用与RED 500 系列保护继电器完全相同的技术。





REX 521用途广泛,可用在输、配电网络上作保护、控制和监视,可用于不同电压等级的中性点接地、小电阻接地、中性点不接地和谐振接地的网络。该装置既适用于辐射网也用于环状网,既适用于单端供电系统也可用于多端供电的线路。

该保护继电器采用多处理器技术实现其高性能。数字信号处理芯片(DSP)配合高性能的CPU以提高继电器的测量精度,加快保护响应速度。人机界面(继电器面板上的 LCD 和后台整定工具软件的界面)提供了多幅画面和详尽的帮助信息,方便用户使用。在继电器的软件和硬件方面,都大量使用了现代技术。该继电器是 ABB 变电站自动化产品系列的成员,在功能和使用灵活性方面有了更新的发展,这源于电子和电气领域最新技术在该产品上的应用。

REX 521 has a wide range of applications and can be used for protection, control, and monitoring in transmission and distribution networks. It can be used for neutral point grounding, low resistance grounding, neutral point ungrounded, and resonant grounding networks of different voltage levels. This device is suitable for both radial and circular networks, as well as single ended power supply systems and multi ended power supply lines.

This protective relay adopts multi processor technology to achieve its high performance. The digital signal processing chip (DSP) is combined with a high-performance CPU to improve the measurement accuracy of relays and accelerate protection response speed. The human-machine interface (LCD on the relay panel and the interface of the background tuning tool software) provides multiple images and detailed help information, making it convenient for users to use. Modern technology is extensively used in both software and hardware aspects of relays. This relay is a member of ABB's substation automation product line, with updated developments in functionality and flexibility, stemming from the application of the latest technologies in the electronics and electrical fields in this product.

REX 521 除保护功能外,还提供了以下功能:
为了精确捕捉和分析故障,集成了高采样率的故障录波模块就地 / 远方断路器控制;

In addition to protection functions, REX 521 also provides the following functions:

Comprehensive measurement functions for monitoring user networks;

In order to accurately capture and analyze faults, a high sampling rate fault recording module is integrated for local/remote circuit breaker control;

Can be configured with multiple rounds of automatic reclosing;

Circuit breaker status monitoring;

Total harmonic distortion (THD) of measurable voltage or current for power quality monitoring;

Full Chinese interface identification and display information.


通讯模块ABB 3ASC25H705-7用于工业自动化控制系统数字输入输出模块ABB 3ASC25H219B DATX133
ABB 3ASC25H215E DATX131数字输出控制板PCD530A102 3BHE041343R0102静态励磁系统控制器


+86 15270269218