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CI858K01 3BSE018135R1模块

  • CI858K01 3BSE018135R1模块
  • CI858K01 3BSE018135R1模块
  • CI858K01 3BSE018135R1模块
  • CI858K01 3BSE018135R1模块

CI858K01 3BSE018135R1模块是 ABB 公司生产的一种高性能通信模块,广泛应用于工业自动化和过程控制系统中。

CI858K01 3BSE018135R1模块产品图片展示

CI858K01 3BSE018135R1-5.jpg

CI858K01 3BSE018135R1模块实物视频展示

CI858K01 3BSE018135R1模块特点和注意事项


PROFIBUS DP协议:CI858K01 通信模块支持 PROFIBUS DP 协议,允许它与 ABB 控制系统以及其他设备进行数据通信。
多接口支持:除了 PROFIBUS DP,该模块还可能支持以太网、串行接口、CAN 总线等多种通信接口,以及多种通信协议,提高了模块的灵活性和互操作性。
集成于AC 800M系统:可以与 ABB 的 AC 800M 系列控制器集成,通过 CEX 总线进行通信,最大传输数据速率约为 1.25 MB/s。
适用于多种应用:CI858K01 3BSE018135R1 模块适用于钢铁厂、机器人系统、机电设备等多种工业场景。
软件更新:关注 ABB 的更新通知,确保使用的是最新版本的固件,以获得最新的功能和安全更新。
技术支持:遇到问题时,联系 ABB 的技术支持或授权的技术服务提供商,避免自行修改或修理模块。


PROFIBUS DP protocol: The CI858K01 communication module supports the PROFIBUS DP protocol, allowing it to communicate data with ABB control systems and other devices.

Multi interface support: In addition to PROFIBUS DP, this module may also support various communication interfaces such as Ethernet, serial interface, CAN bus, as well as various communication protocols, improving the flexibility and interoperability of the module.

High reliability: Made with high-quality materials and precision technology, ensuring long-term stable operation and high reliability of modules in industrial environments.

Integrated into the AC 800M system: It can be integrated with ABB's AC 800M series controllers and communicate through the CEX bus, with a maximum data transmission rate of approximately 1.25 MB/s.

Modular design: easy to install and maintain, space saving, easy to replace and upgrade.

Suitable for various applications: The CI858K01 3BSE018135R1 module is suitable for various industrial scenarios such as steel mills, robot systems, and electromechanical equipment.


Environmental conditions: Ensure that the module is installed in a suitable temperature, humidity, and cleanliness environment, avoiding contact with corrosive gases and liquids.

Electrical connection: Properly perform electrical connections to ensure that all wiring is secure and meets safety standards.

Network configuration: Properly configure communication parameters such as address, baud rate, etc. to ensure proper communication with other devices on the network.

Maintenance and inspection: Regularly check the operation status of the module, and clean and maintain it if necessary to maintain good working condition.

Software updates: Pay attention to ABB's update notifications and ensure that you are using the latest version of firmware to obtain the latest features and security updates.

Safety measures: Before carrying out any maintenance or replacement operations, ensure that the power is disconnected and comply with all safety regulations.

Compatibility verification: Ensure that the module is compatible with other devices and control systems, and avoid technical barriers.

Technical support: When encountering problems, contact ABB's technical support or authorized technical service provider to avoid modifying or repairing modules on your own.

Operation training: Ensure that operators and maintenance personnel receive appropriate training to understand the functionality and best practices of the module.

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+86 15270269218