

+86 15270269218

ABB PFCL201CE 10KN 3BSX105983-100 称重传感器

  • ABB  PFCL201CE 10KN 3BSX105983-100 称重传感器

ABB  PFCL201CE 10KN 3BSX105983-100 ABB 称重传感器 是ABB公司生产的一种高精度称重传感器


  1. 测量范围:PFCL201CE传感器具有10千牛顿(kN)的测量范围,相当于大约1020千克力(kgf),这意味着它可以准确地测量高达1020公斤的重量。

  2. 精度:作为一款高精度传感器,PFCL201CE具有卓越的测量精度,能够提供稳定和可靠的重量读数,即使在工业环境下的振动和温度变化中也能保持高精度。

  3. 输出信号:传感器通常输出模拟信号,如4-20mA或0-10V,以适应与自动化系统中的控制器或数据采集设备的集成。

  4. 防护等级:PFCL201CE传感器可能具有较高的防护等级,如IP68,这意味着它可以在水下和灰尘环境中正常工作,适合户外或恶劣环境的使用。

  5. 环境适应性:传感器设计用于工业环境,能够承受振动、温度波动和湿度,确保在各种条件下都能提供准确的测量结果。

  6. 安装与维护:传感器设计为易于安装,可能包括机械调整和电气连接。为了保持其性能,定期的维护,如清洁传感器表面和检查连接,非常重要。

English manual:

Measuring range: The PFCL201CE sensor has a measuring range of 10 kilonewtons (kN), equivalent to approximately 1020 kg of force (kgf), which means it can accurately measure weights up to 1020 kg.

Accuracy: As a high-precision sensor, the PFCL201CE offers excellent measurement accuracy, providing stable and reliable weight readings that maintain high accuracy even in vibration and temperature changes in industrial environments.

Output signals: Sensors typically output analog signals, such as 4-20mA or 0-10V, to accommodate integration with controllers or data acquisition devices in automated systems.

Protection level: The PFCL201CE sensor may have a high protection level, such as IP68, which means that it can work properly in underwater and dusty environments, suitable for outdoor or harsh environment use.

Environmental adaptability: The sensors are designed for use in industrial environments and can withstand vibration, temperature fluctuations and humidity to ensure accurate measurement results in all conditions.

Installation and maintenance: Sensors are designed to be easy to install and may include mechanical adjustments and electrical connections. In order to maintain its performance, regular maintenance, such as cleaning the sensor surface and checking connections, is very important.

ABB 216NG63A HESG441635R1 digital input module


+86 15270269218