

+86 15270269218

ABB 3-064843-002 过程控制接口板

  • ABB 3-064843-002 过程控制接口板

ABB 的 064844-012  过程控制接口板是用于工业自动化系统中的组件


  1. 功能:

    1. 这些接口板主要用于连接现场设备(如传感器、执行器)到过程控制系统中。
    2. 提供必要的信号转换和处理功能,以确保现场信号能够被控制系统正确解读。
    3. 可能包含模拟输入/输出 (AI/AO) 和数字输入/输出 (DI/DO) 端口。
  2. 适用系统:

    1. 通常与 ABB 的过程控制系统(如 AC800M 控制器)配合使用。
    2. 可能是 ABB 800xA 自动化平台的一部分。
  3. 技术规格:

    1. 由于具体型号不同,技术规格也会有所差异。例如,输入/输出通道的数量、信号类型(模拟/数字)、电源要求等。
    2. 对于 064844-012 和 3-064843-002 具体的技术规格,需要查阅官方文档或联系制造商以获取准确信息。

English manual:


These interface boards are mainly used to connect field devices (such as sensors, actuators) to the process control system.

Provide the necessary signal conversion and processing functions to ensure that the field signal can be correctly interpreted by the control system.

Both analog input/output (AI/AO) and digital input/output (DI/DO) ports may be included.

Applicable system:

It is usually used in conjunction with ABB's process control systems, such as the AC800M controller.

May be part of ABB 800xA automation platform.

Technical specifications:

Due to the specific model, the technical specifications will vary. For example, the number of input/output channels, signal type (analog/digital), power requirements, etc.

For specific technical specifications 064844-012 and 3-064843-002, you need to consult the official documentation or contact the manufacturer for accurate information.

ABB 500PSM03a soft initiator


+86 15270269218