

+86 15270269218

PFRA101 3BSE003911R115压力管道系统控制器

  • PFRA101 3BSE003911R115压力管道系统控制器
  • PFRA101 3BSE003911R115压力管道系统控制器
  • PFRA101 3BSE003911R115压力管道系统控制器

ABB 的 PFRA101 3BSE003911R115 是一款压力管道系统控制器,用于工业自动化中的压力控制应用。


  1. 精度高: 可以实现高精度的信号调理,适用于需要多种传感器进行测量的工业应用。
  2. 线性化: 当传感器产生的信号与物理量没有线性关系时,可以实现线性化,提高测量精度。
  3. 可靠性高: 采用最高质量标准制造,经过严格的质量控制和测试。
  4. 灵活性: 具有高可靠性和灵活性标准,能够承受恶劣的过程环境。
  5. 控制解决方案: 包括专门为食品、化学和热处理等行业设计的控制解决方案变体。
  6. 数字显示器: 配备多语言数字显示器和功能按键,用于设置不同的参数并检查张力测量系统的状态。
  7. 应用领域:

  8. 压力管道系统控制: 用于控制和监测压力管道系统中的压力。
  9. 过程控制: 用于工业过程中的压力控制,例如在化工、食品加工、热处理等行业

English manual:

High accuracy: High precision signal conditioning can be achieved, suitable for industrial applications that require a variety of sensors for measurement.

Linearization: When the signal generated by the sensor has no linear relationship with the physical quantity, it can be linearized to improve the measurement accuracy.

High reliability: Manufactured to the highest quality standards and subjected to strict quality control and testing.

Flexibility: With high reliability and flexibility standards, it can withstand harsh process environments.

Control solutions: Includes variants of control solutions specifically designed for industries such as food, chemical and heat treatment.

Digital display: Equipped with multilingual digital display and function buttons for setting different parameters and checking the status of the tension measurement system.

Application field:

Pressure piping system control: Used to control and monitor the pressure in the pressure piping system.

Process control: Used for pressure control in industrial processes, such as chemical, food processing, heat treatment and other industries.

ABB 500PSM03a soft initiator


+86 15270269218