

+86 15270269218

PBD190A 3BHE017671R0001工业触摸屏

  • PBD190A 3BHE017671R0001工业触摸屏
  • PBD190A 3BHE017671R0001工业触摸屏
  • PBD190A 3BHE017671R0001工业触摸屏

ABBPBD190A 3BHE017671R0001 Control Terminal 是一款工业触摸屏,主要用于人机交互(HMI)


  1. 监控与控制

    1. 显示实时数据,如温度、压力、流量等。
    2. 控制机器或过程的状态,如启动、停止、调整参数等。
  2. 报警管理

    1. 显示报警状态,帮助操作员快速识别问题所在。
    2. 提供报警确认、复位等功能。
  3. 数据记录与趋势分析

    1. 记录历史数据,便于后续分析。
    2. 展示数据趋势图,帮助理解过程变化。
  4. 配置与编程

    1. 允许操作员对系统进行配置和编程。
    2. 可以用于调试和维护工作。
  5. 安全功能

    1. 实现权限管理,确保只有经过授权的人员才能访问特定功能。
    2. 提供紧急停机按钮等安全措施。
  6. 生产管理

    1. 显示生产统计数据,如产量、效率等。
    2. 支持生产计划和调度。

English manual:

Monitoring and control:

Display real-time data such as temperature, pressure, flow, etc.

Control the state of the machine or process, such as starting, stopping, adjusting parameters, etc.

Alarm management:

Displays alarm status to help operators quickly identify problems.

Provide alarm confirmation, reset and other functions.

Data recording and trend analysis:

Record historical data for subsequent analysis.

Show data trend charts to help understand process changes.

Configuration and programming:

Allows the operator to configure and program the system.

It can be used for debugging and maintenance.

Safety features:

Implement permission management to ensure that only authorized people can access specific functions.

Provide safety measures such as an emergency stop button.

Production Management:

Display production statistics such as output, efficiency, etc.

Support production planning and scheduling.

ABB 500PSM03a soft initiator


+86 15270269218