

+86 15270269218


  • ALCL-14-5DCS系统高压变频器主板控制电压稳定
  • ALCL-14-5DCS系统高压变频器主板控制电压稳定

ABB ALCL-14-5 是一款用于 ABB 分布式控制系统 (DCS) 中的高压变频器主板


  1. 电压控制:该主板的主要任务是确保变频器输出电压的稳定性,这对于保护负载设备至关重要。
  2. 集成度:可能集成了多种控制功能,如电压反馈、电流控制等。
  3. 可靠性:设计用于工业环境,保证长期稳定运行。
  4. 兼容性:与 ABB 的高压变频器系统兼容,可能也与其他品牌的变频器有一定程度的兼容性。
  5. 应用场景

  6. 工业自动化:在电力、石油、化工、冶金等行业中的高压变频器系统中使用。
  7. 节能控制:用于控制大型电动机的速度,以实现能源节约。
  8. 精密控制:在需要对电压进行精密调节的应用中使用

English manual:

Voltage control: The main task of the motherboard is to ensure the stability of the inverter output voltage, which is essential to protect the load equipment.

Integration: Multiple control functions may be integrated, such as voltage feedback, current control, etc.

Reliability: Designed for industrial environments to ensure long-term stable operation.

Compatibility: Compatible with ABB's high voltage inverter systems, and possibly with other brands of inverter to some extent.

Application scenario

Industrial automation: used in high-voltage inverter systems in power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy and other industries.

Energy saving control: Used to control the speed of large electric motors to achieve energy savings.

Precision control: Used in applications where precise regulation of voltage is required.

ABB 500PSM03a soft initiator


+86 15270269218