

+86 15270269218


  • P72123-4-0788723通道模拟输出模块
  • P72123-4-0788723通道模拟输出模块

ABB P72123-4-0788723是一款 16 通道模拟输出模块


  1. 冷裕量计算:该组件可能用于计算制冷系统中的过冷裕量,这是指制冷剂在冷凝器出口处的温度低于饱和温度的程度。过冷可以提高制冷效率,减少蒸发器中制冷剂的气化,从而增加制冷效果。
  2. 集成到DCS系统:作为DCS系统的一部分,该组件可能被集成到更大的控制系统中,用于监测和调节制冷系统的性能。
  3. 自动化控制:组件可能包含自动化控制功能,能够根据实际运行情况自动调整过冷程度,以优化整个制冷系统的性能。
  4. 数据分析与报告:组件还可能提供数据分析和报告功能,帮助操作员了解制冷系统的运行状况,并采取相应的调整措施。
  5. 使用场景

  6. 工业制冷系统:在化工厂、食品加工行业等需要大型制冷系统的场合使用。
  7. 楼宇自动化系统:在商业建筑、数据中心等需要精确温度控制的地方使用

English manual:

Cold margin calculation: This component may be used to calculate the supercooling margin in a refrigeration system, which is the degree to which the refrigerant is below its saturation temperature at the condenser outlet. Supercooling can improve the refrigeration efficiency and reduce the gasification of refrigerant in the evaporator, thereby increasing the refrigeration effect.

Integration into a DCS system: As part of a DCS system, this component may be integrated into a larger control system to monitor and regulate the performance of the refrigeration system.

Automated control: Components may contain automated control functions that automatically adjust the degree of supercooling based on actual operation to optimize the performance of the entire refrigeration system.

Data Analysis and reporting: Components may also provide data analysis and reporting capabilities to help operators understand the health of the refrigeration system and take appropriate adjustments.

Usage scenario

Industrial refrigeration system: used in chemical plants, food processing industries and other occasions that require large refrigeration systems.

Building automation systems: Used in commercial buildings, data centers, etc., where precise temperature control is required

ABB 500PSM03a soft initiator


+86 15270269218