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DASO110 57120001-AT1输入模块

  •  DASO110 57120001-AT1输入模块
  •  DASO110 57120001-AT1输入模块
  •  DASO110 57120001-AT1输入模块
  •  DASO110 57120001-AT1输入模块
  •  DASO110 57120001-AT1输入模块

 DASO110 57120001-AT1输入模块   是一个输入模块,通常用于 ABB 的控制系统中。

 DASO110 57120001-AT1输入模块   详情介绍:

ABB DASO110(型号 57120001-AT1)是一个输入模块,通常用于 ABB 的控制系统中。以下是该模块的主要特性、功能和应用领域:


  1. 输入类型:DASO110 是一个数字输入模块,能够接收来自现场设备的数字信号,并将其传递到控制系统进行处理。

  2. 高可靠性:设计上强调高可靠性和稳定性,适用于要求严苛的工业环境和应用。

  3. 信号处理:支持高速数字信号处理,能够处理快速变化的输入信号。

  4. 接口类型:提供标准的工业接口,方便与各种现场设备进行连接。

  5. 模块化设计:作为 ABB 控制系统的一部分,DASO110 模块通常支持与其他模块的无缝集成,支持系统的扩展和升级。

  6. 诊断功能:具备基本的诊断和故障检测功能,可以帮助快速定位和解决系统问题。

  7. 兼容性:与 ABB 的各种控制系统兼容,包括控制器和 I/O 系统。


  • 数字信号采集:能够从各种数字信号源接收输入,例如开关、传感器等,将其转化为控制系统可以处理的信号。

  • 数据传输:将数字输入信号传送到控制系统,进行进一步的处理和控制。

  • 状态监控:实时监控输入信号的状态,提供系统运行的实时反馈。

  • 系统集成:作为系统的一部分,与其他 I/O 模块、控制器和通信模块进行集成,实现复杂的自动化控制系统。


  1. 工业自动化:在工业自动化系统中用于接收来自现场设备的数字信号,如开关状态、传感器信号等。

  2. 制造业:用于生产线上的各种控制应用,如监控设备的启停状态,或处理来自工艺设备的信号。

  3. 能源管理:在能源管理系统中用于监测和控制设备的运行状态,确保系统的稳定性和安全性。

  4. 建筑自动化:应用于建筑自动化系统中,如监控楼宇设备的状态,控制照明、暖通空调等系统。

  5. 过程控制:用于过程控制系统中,监测和控制生产过程中的各种数字信号,确保过程的稳定和可靠。

 DASO110 57120001-AT1输入模块   实物图片:


english introduction:

ABB DASO110 (model 57120001-AT1) is an input module commonly used in ABB's control systems. The following are the main features, functions, and application areas of this module:

Main characteristics

Input type: DASO110 is a digital input module that can receive digital signals from field devices and transmit them to the control system for processing.

High reliability: The design emphasizes high reliability and stability, suitable for demanding industrial environments and applications.

Signal processing: Supports high-speed digital signal processing and can handle rapidly changing input signals.

Interface type: Provides standard industrial interfaces for easy connection with various on-site devices.

Modular design: As part of ABB control systems, DASO110 modules typically support seamless integration with other modules, enabling system expansion and upgrades.

Diagnostic function: It has basic diagnostic and fault detection functions, which can help quickly locate and solve system problems.

Compatibility: Compatible with ABB's various control systems, including controllers and I/O systems.


Digital signal acquisition: capable of receiving inputs from various digital signal sources, such as switches, sensors, etc., and converting them into signals that can be processed by the control system.

Data transmission: transmitting digital input signals to the control system for further processing and control.

Status monitoring: Real time monitoring of input signal status, providing real-time feedback on system operation.

System integration: As a part of the system, it integrates with other I/O modules, controllers, and communication modules to achieve complex automation control systems.

application area 

Industrial automation: Used in industrial automation systems to receive digital signals from field devices, such as switch status, sensor signals, etc.

Manufacturing: Used for various control applications on production lines, such as monitoring the start stop status of equipment or processing signals from process equipment.

Energy management: Used in energy management systems to monitor and control the operational status of equipment, ensuring system stability and safety.

Building automation: applied in building automation systems, such as monitoring the status of building equipment, controlling lighting, HVAC and other systems.

Process control: used in process control systems to monitor and control various digital signals in the production process, ensuring the stability and reliability of the process.

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PMB33C-20101-0070 AA 02a-EN32HRFL-LNK-NS-00


+86 15270269218