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  •  AO2040气体分析仪
  •  AO2040气体分析仪
  •  AO2040气体分析仪

 AO2040气体分析仪   是一种气体分析仪,用于监测和分析工业过程中的气体成分

 AO2040气体分析仪   详情介绍:

ABB AO2040 是一种气体分析仪,用于监测和分析工业过程中的气体成分。它被广泛应用于化工、能源、环保等领域,主要用于实时分析和监控气体成分的浓度,以确保过程的稳定性、安全性和合规性。以下是该气体分析仪的主要特性、功能和应用领域:


  1. 多气体分析:AO2040 支持同时分析多种气体成分,能够测量氧气、二氧化碳、一氧化碳、氮氧化物等多种气体。

  2. 高精度:提供高精度的气体成分测量,能够实时提供准确的数据,适应各种工业应用的需求。

  3. 实时监控:实时监测气体浓度的变化,帮助用户快速响应过程中的异常情况。

  4. 稳定性和耐用性:设计上具有高稳定性和耐用性,适用于各种严苛的工业环境。

  5. 通信接口:配备多种通信接口,如串口(RS-232、RS-485)、以太网等,便于与其他控制系统进行数据交换和集成。

  6. 用户界面:提供直观的用户界面,简化设置和操作过程,并能够显示实时数据和分析结果。

  7. 数据存储和报告:支持数据存储功能,可以保存历史数据,并生成报告,用于分析和记录。


  • 气体测量:能够测量多种气体成分的浓度,包括氧气、二氧化碳、一氧化碳、氮氧化物等。

  • 实时数据分析:实时分析气体浓度变化,提供准确的数据和趋势分析。

  • 报警功能:根据设定的阈值提供报警,当气体浓度超出正常范围时发出警报。

  • 数据记录:记录气体测量数据和分析结果,支持历史数据查看和趋势分析。

  • 系统集成:与其他自动化控制系统、数据采集系统和监控系统进行集成,形成全面的气体监测解决方案。


  1. 化工行业:在化工生产过程中监测和控制气体成分,以确保生产过程的安全和产品质量。

  2. 能源行业:在能源生产和处理过程中监测气体排放,确保符合环保法规,并优化能源使用。

  3. 环保监测:用于环境监测和控制,检测和分析工业排放气体,以减少环境污染。

  4. 制造业:在制造过程中监测气体成分,确保生产设备的正常运行和工艺稳定性。

  5. 水处理:用于水处理厂中监测和分析气体成分,确保处理过程的效果和效率。

 AO2040气体分析仪  实物图片:


english introduction:

GE IS200AEPGG1AAA is a relay output module of GE's Mark VI series. It is used to provide relay control functions in industrial automation systems and is widely used in control systems in fields such as power, manufacturing, and chemical engineering. The following are the main features, functions, and application areas of this module:

Main characteristics

Relay output: The IS200AEPGG1AAA module provides relay output function, which can control various electrical loads such as switches, alarms, and equipment start stop.

High reliability: The design emphasizes high reliability and durability, suitable for harsh industrial environments.

Modular design: As part of the GE Mark VI series, modular design makes it easy to install, replace, and maintain.

Compatibility: Compatible with GE Mark VI control system and other related modules, supporting system expansion and integration.

Diagnostic function: It has basic diagnostic functions and can detect and report the operating status and fault information of modules.

Interface: A standard industrial interface that facilitates connection with other devices and controllers in the system.


Relay control: Provides efficient relay control that can switch various electrical equipment, such as drive motors, start/stop devices, trigger alarms, etc.

Status monitoring: Real time monitoring of relay status, providing real-time feedback on system operation.

Fault diagnosis: capable of detecting and diagnosing relay faults, providing relevant alarm and maintenance information.

System integration: Integrate with other modules and equipment in the GE Mark VI control system to achieve comprehensive automation control and monitoring.

application area 

Power industry: used for controlling and monitoring various electrical equipment such as circuit breakers, relays, and protective devices in power plants and substations.

Manufacturing: Controlling equipment on the production line in manufacturing, such as starting/stopping motors, controlling conveyor belts, etc.

Chemical industry: used to control various process equipment in chemical plants, such as valves, pumps, and mixers.

Building automation: Control lighting, HVAC systems, access control systems, etc. in building automation systems.

Water treatment: used for controlling pumps, valves, and other critical equipment in water treatment plants.

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PMB31D-10101-0370 BL 02CN42HRFM-LNK-NS-00
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+86 15270269218