

+86 15270269218


  • HIES308461R水冷电阻器
  • HIES308461R水冷电阻器
  • HIES308461R水冷电阻器

ABB HIES308461R水冷电阻器

1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:


HIES308461R 水冷电阻器 是一款用于工业和高功率应用的电阻器,通常用于电力系统、自动化设备以及其他需要高负荷电力管理的场合。它的设计重点在于散热能力,特别是采用了水冷技术以确保在高功率应用中的稳定性和可靠性。


  1. 产品名称:HIES308461R 水冷电阻器
  2. 制造商:HIES(可能为ABB或其他相关制造商)
  3. 类型:水冷式电阻器
  4. 应用领域:高功率电力系统、工业自动化、变频驱动、冶金、能源设备等。


  1. 水冷散热系统
    • 采用水冷技术,能够有效地将电阻器工作中产生的热量带走,确保在高功率情况下不会发生过热现象,适合长时间连续运行。
  2. 高功率处理能力
    • 专为高功率负载设计,能够在极端条件下运行,提供稳定的电阻值和良好的电气性能。
  3. 高耐用性
    • 采用耐高温和抗腐蚀材料,确保在恶劣的工业环境中能够长时间稳定工作。
  4. 精确控制
    • 能够通过适当控制电流流动,确保系统内的电压稳定,常用于电力和能源分配系统。
  5. 紧凑设计
    • 设计紧凑,能够有效利用空间,适合密集布局的设备安装。


HIES308461R water-cooled resistor is a resistor used in industrial and high-power applications, typically in power systems, automation equipment, and other situations that require high load power management. Its design focuses on heat dissipation capability, especially the use of water cooling technology to ensure stability and reliability in high-power applications.

Basic Product Information

Product Name: HIES308461R Water Cooled Resistors

Manufacturer: HIES (may be ABB or other related manufacturers)

Type: Water cooled resistor

Application areas: high-power power systems, industrial automation, variable frequency drives, metallurgy, energy equipment, etc.

main features 

Water cooling and heat dissipation system:

By adopting water cooling technology, the heat generated during the operation of the resistor can be effectively carried away, ensuring that overheating does not occur under high power conditions, making it suitable for long-term continuous operation.

High power processing capability:

Specially designed for high-power loads, capable of operating under extreme conditions, providing stable resistance values and good electrical performance.

High durability:

Using high-temperature and corrosion-resistant materials to ensure long-term stable operation in harsh industrial environments.

Precise control:

It is commonly used in power and energy distribution systems to ensure voltage stability within the system by appropriately controlling current flow.

Compact design:

Compact design, able to effectively utilize space, suitable for equipment installation with dense layout.

2.产      品      展      示      







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PMB31D-10100-00AMAT 0100-09362PFEA111 
PMB31D-00216-03IMDSO143ASD573001A13 YPK112A
PMB31D-00216-02AMAT 0100-0145657120001-KH DSTA 156
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PMB31D-00216-00AMAT 0100-7126757160001-P DSTD 120
PMB31D-00214-0370 WA 01a-ER32HSNG-TS-NS-NV-02
PMB31D-00214-02AMAT 130-040157160001-TK DSDI 141A


+86 15270269218