

+86 15270269218

Bently 135489-01振动监测系统模块

  • Bently 135489-01振动监测系统模块
  • Bently 135489-01振动监测系统模块

Bently 135489-01振动监测系统模块可以根据具体应用的要求配置振动监测参数,以适应不同类型的设备和应用。

Bently 135489-01产品详情:

  1. 振动监测: 135489-01 模块专门设计用于振动监测。它可以测量和分析机械设备的振动,以检测异常振动并预测可能的故障。

  2. 多通道: 该模块通常具有多个振动传感器输入通道,可以同时监测多个设备或不同位置的振动。

  3. 数据采集: 它采集振动传感器产生的数据,包括振动的幅度、频率、相位等信息,以帮助分析设备的健康状况。

  4. 报警和警报: 135489-01 模块可以配置报警和警报,当检测到振动异常时,可以触发警报,以通知运维人员采取必要的维护措施。

  5. 可编程参数: 用户可以根据具体应用的要求配置振动监测参数,以适应不同类型的设备和应用。

Bently 135489-01实物视频:

Bently 135489-01实物拍摄图片:

135489-01 -3.jpg

Bently 135489-01product details:

Vibration monitoring: The 135489-01 module is specifically designed for vibration monitoring. It can measure and analyze the vibration of mechanical equipment to detect abnormal vibrations and predict possible faults.

Multi channel: This module typically has multiple vibration sensor input channels, which can simultaneously monitor vibration from multiple devices or different locations.

Data collection: It collects data generated by vibration sensors, including information on vibration amplitude, frequency, phase, etc., to help analyze the health status of the equipment.

Alarm and alarm: The 135489-01 module can be configured with alarms and alarms. When abnormal vibration is detected, an alarm can be triggered to notify operation and maintenance personnel to take necessary maintenance measures.

Programmable parameters: Users can configure vibration monitoring parameters according to specific application requirements to adapt to different types of equipment and applications.

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ABB YB560103-CCABB YB560103-CA  ABB 57160001-TP 
ABB YB560103-CD ABB YB560103-CB  ABB 57310001-GP 
ABB YB560103-CE  ABB YB560103-CCABB 57310256-BA 
ABB YB560103-CHABB YB560103-CD ABB 57330001-N  
ABB YB560103-CL  ABB YB560103-CE  ABB 57360001-AN 



+86 15270269218