

+86 15270269218

BENTLY 136711-01传感器

  • BENTLY 136711-01传感器
  • BENTLY 136711-01传感器

BENTLY 136711-01传感器通常有其特定的测量范围,可以测量不同振动或位移水平。

BENTLY 136711-01产品详情:

  1. 应用领域:BENTLY 136711-01 传感器通常用于工业环境中,作为振动监测系统的一部分,用于监测和保护旋转机械,如涡轮机、压缩机、泵和发电机等。

  2. 测量类型:这种传感器通常用于测量机械的振动或位移。它可以检测到机械部件的振动水平或位置变化,并将这些信息传输给监测系统。

  3. 传感原理:传感器的工作原理通常基于电磁感应、电容变化或其他物理效应,具体取决于传感器的类型。

  4. 安装方式:BENTLY 136711-01传感器可以以不同的方式安装在机械部件上,通常通过螺栓或夹具固定在合适的位置。

  5. 输出信号:传感器通常生成模拟信号(例如电压或电流)或数字信号,以反映测量到的振动或位移信息。

  6. 测量范围:每种传感器通常有其特定的测量范围,可以测量不同振动或位移水平。

  7. 频率响应:BENTLY 136711-01传感器的频率响应范围通常取决于其设计和用途。一些传感器适用于高频率振动监测,而其他传感器适用于低频率振动监测。

BENTLY 136711-01实物视频:

BENTLY 136711-01实物拍摄图片:

BENTLY 136711-01 4.jpg

BENTLY 136711-01product details:

Application: BENTLY 136711-01 sensors are typically used in industrial environments as part of vibration monitoring systems for monitoring and protecting rotating machinery such as turbines, compressors, pumps, and generators.

Measurement type: This type of sensor is usually used to measure mechanical vibration or displacement. It can detect changes in the vibration level or position of mechanical components and transmit this information to the monitoring system.

Sensing principle: The working principle of a sensor is usually based on electromagnetic induction, capacitance changes, or other physical effects, depending on the type of sensor.

Installation method: Sensors can be installed on mechanical components in different ways, usually fixed in appropriate positions by bolts or fixtures.

Output signal: Sensors typically generate analog signals (such as voltage or current) or digital signals to reflect measured vibration or displacement information.

Measurement range: Each sensor typically has its own specific measurement range, which can measure different levels of vibration or displacement.

Frequency response: The frequency response range of a sensor usually depends on its design and use. Some sensors are suitable for high-frequency vibration monitoring, while others are suitable for low-frequency vibration monitoring.

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+86 15270269218