

+86 15270269218

BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01温度监测器

  • BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01温度监测器
  • BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01温度监测器

BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01温度监测器具有可编程功能,使用户可以自定义报警阈值和保护策略。

BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01产品详情:

  1. 用途:BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01温度监测器用于监测旋转机械、发动机、电机、轴承等设备的温度,以便检测潜在的过热问题或故障。

  2. 温度传感器:通常与温度传感器一起使用,以测量设备或机械的温度。

  3. 测量范围:BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01监测器通常具有特定的温度测量范围,以适应不同应用场合的需求。

  4. 报警功能:当监测器检测到温度异常或超过设定的阈值时,它可以触发警报,通知操作员或自动采取预定义的保护措施。

  5. 通信接口:某些监测器具有通信接口,可将温度数据传输到监测系统或数据采集设备,以进行实时监测和记录。

  6. 可编程性:一些温度监测器具有可编程功能,使用户可以自定义报警阈值和保护策略。

  7. 数据记录:某些监测器可以记录温度数据,以便后续分析和报告。

  8. 环境适应性:BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01监测器通常设计成适应不同的环境条件,包括温度、湿度和振动等。

BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01实物视频:

BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01实物拍摄图片:

BENTLY 3500-60 163179-01 2.jpg

BENTLY 3500/60 163179-01product details:

Purpose: The temperature monitor is used to monitor the temperature of rotating machinery, engines, motors, bearings, and other equipment, in order to detect potential overheating issues or faults.

Temperature sensor: Usually used in conjunction with temperature sensors to measure the temperature of equipment or machinery.

Measurement range: Monitors typically have a specific temperature measurement range to meet the needs of different application scenarios.

Alarm function: When the monitor detects temperature abnormalities or exceeds the set threshold, it can trigger an alarm, notify the operator, or automatically take predefined protective measures.

Communication interface: Some monitors have communication interfaces that can transmit temperature data to monitoring systems or data collection devices for real-time monitoring and recording.

Programmability: Some temperature monitors have programmable functionality, allowing users to customize alarm thresholds and protection strategies.

Data recording: Some monitors can record temperature data for subsequent analysis and reporting.

Environmental adaptability: Monitors are usually designed to adapt to different environmental conditions, including temperature, humidity, and vibration.

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