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BENTLY 128229-01 电涡流传感器

  • BENTLY 128229-01 电涡流传感器
  • BENTLY 128229-01 电涡流传感器
  • BENTLY 128229-01 电涡流传感器

BENTLY  128229-01 电涡流传感器 电涡流传感器通过测量金属物体表面的电涡流感应来实现非接触式测量。当金属物体靠近传感器时,它会在金属表面引起电涡流感应,这些感应电流的变化可以用来测量金属物体的位置、速度、位移等参数

BENTLY  128229-01 电涡流传感器  详情介绍:

    BENTLY 128229-01电涡流传感器的产品特点主要包括以下几个方面:

    1. 非接触式测量:电涡流传感器通过测量金属物体表面的电涡流感应来实现非接触式测量,无需直接接触被测物体,因此适用于需要高精度测量的场景,同时减少了磨损和破坏的风险。

    2. 高精度测量:电涡流传感器具有高精度和高分辨率的测量能力,能够准确地测量金属物体的位置、速度、位移等参数,适用于需要高精度测量的工业控制系统中。

    3. 快速响应:电涡流传感器具有快速响应的特点,能够迅速地响应目标物体的位置和距离变化,适用于需要快速响应的工业控制系统中。

    4. 耐腐蚀性强:电涡流传感器采用耐腐蚀的材料制造,能够适应各种恶劣的环境条件,如高温、潮湿、腐蚀等,具有较长的使用寿命。

    5. 可靠性高:电涡流传感器采用高质量的材料和制造工艺,具有较高的可靠性和稳定性,能够保证长期稳定的工作。

    总之,BENTLY 128229-01电涡流传感器是一种高精度、高可靠性、非接触式的位置和距离测量传感器,广泛应用于工业自动化和机械控制领域。

    BENTLY  128229-01 电涡流传感器   实物图片:


    BENTLY  128229-01 电涡流传感器  产品视频:

    BENTLY 128229-01 Eddy Current Sensor Details Introduction:

    The product features of BENTLY 128229-01 eddy current sensor mainly include the following aspects:

    Non contact measurement: Eddy current sensors achieve non-contact measurement by measuring the eddy currents on the surface of metal objects, without the need for direct contact with the measured object. Therefore, they are suitable for scenarios that require high-precision measurement, while reducing the risk of wear and damage.

    High precision measurement: Eddy current sensors have the ability to measure the position, velocity, displacement, and other parameters of metal objects with high precision and resolution. They are suitable for industrial control systems that require high-precision measurement.

    Rapid response: Eddy current sensors have the characteristic of rapid response, which can quickly respond to changes in the position and distance of the target object, and are suitable for industrial control systems that require rapid response.

    Strong corrosion resistance: Eddy current sensors are made of corrosion-resistant materials and can adapt to various harsh environmental conditions, such as high temperature, humidity, corrosion, etc., with a long service life.

    High reliability: Eddy current sensors use high-quality materials and manufacturing processes, which have high reliability and stability, ensuring long-term stable operation.

    In summary, BENTLY 128229-01 eddy current sensor is a high-precision, highly reliable, non-contact position and distance measurement sensor widely used in industrial automation and mechanical control fields.

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    +86 15270269218