

+86 15270269218

Bentley 3500/42M 加速度监测器

  • Bentley 3500/42M 加速度监测器
  • Bentley 3500/42M 加速度监测器
  • Bentley 3500/42M 加速度监测器

BENTLY  3500/42M 加速度监测器     是一款功能强大、可靠稳定的设备监测模块,适用于各种工业自动化和控制系统。

BENTLY  3500/42M 加速度监测器  详情介绍:

    Bentley 3500/42M加速度监测器是一个用于监测旋转机械设备振动和运行状况的移动式加速度监测器模块。它具有以下功能特点:

    1. 高精度测量:可实现0-5 g的测量范围,并提供0.01 g的高分辨率测量。
    2. 高速采样:可在10 kHz的高速采样率下监测设备振动,确保实时监测设备运行状况。
    3. 模拟信号输出:BENTLY 3500/42M模块可通过BNC接口输出模拟信号,方便与其他采集系统和设备连接。


    BENTLY  3500/42M 加速度监测器   实物图片:


    BENTLY  3500/42M 加速度监测器   产品视频:

    Details of BENTLY 3500/42M Acceleration Monitor:

    The Bentley 3500/42M accelerometer is a mobile accelerometer module used to monitor the vibration and operation of rotating mechanical equipment. It has the following functional characteristics:

    High precision measurement: can achieve a measurement range of 0-5 g and provide a high-resolution measurement of 0.01 g.

    High speed sampling: It can monitor equipment vibration at a high sampling rate of 10 kHz, ensuring real-time monitoring of equipment operation.

    Analog signal output: The BENTLY 3500/42M module can output analog signals through the BNC interface, making it convenient to connect with other acquisition systems and devices.

    In addition, the 3500/42M displacement/velocity acceleration monitor has similar functions to the 3500/40M, but with stronger capabilities. It is also a 4-channel monitor that can receive signals from displacement, velocity, and acceleration sensors. By processing these signals, various vibration and position measurements can be completed, and the processed signals can be compared with user programmed alarm values

    Overall, the BENTLY 3500/40M monitor module is a powerful, reliable, and stable equipment monitoring module suitable for various industrial automation and control systems.

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    +86 15270269218