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Bently 3500/50 288062-02 转速表模块

  • Bently 3500/50 288062-02 转速表模块
  • Bently 3500/50 288062-02 转速表模块
  • Bently 3500/50 288062-02 转速表模块

BENTLY  3500/50 288062-02 转速表模块 是一个功能强大的工业测量与控制设备,特别适用于旋转和往复机械的速度监测。

BENTLY  3500/50 288062-02 转速表模块  详情介绍:

    Bently 3500/50 288062-02转速表模块是一个功能强大的工业测量与控制设备,特别适用于旋转和往复机械的速度监测。以下是关于该模块的一些主要特点:

    1. 高度集成与灵活性:该模块设计高度集成,同时保持了出色的灵活性。它支持数字和模拟通讯,提供了多种显示选项,并且软件可组态,使得用户可以根据实际需求进行定制和配置。
    2. 高容错能力与报警功能:288062-02转速表模块具备更高的集成度和容错能力,保证了在复杂和严苛的工业环境下能够稳定运行。此外,它还具备报警/事件列表功能,当转速超过预设的报警点时,能够及时发出报警,提醒操作人员采取相应措施。
    3. API670标准与兼容性:该模块符合API670标准,这确保了其与其他工业设备和系统的兼容性,方便用户进行集成和连接。
    4. 带电插拔与数据类型:所有的模块和电源(当使用冗余电源时)可以在带电情况下在框架中插拔,这使得维护和更换工作变得更加便捷。此外,该模块用于连续监测,支持多种数据类型,特别适用于要求极高可靠性和可用性的自动停机机械保护应用中。
    5. 可组态性:288062-02转速表模块可使用3500框架组态软件进行编程,并可以被组态成三种不同类型:速度监测与设置点报警、速度监测与零转速指示,以及速度监测与转子加速度报警。这种灵活性使得模块能够适应不同的应用需求。
    6. 键相位信号提供:该模块还可以被组态成向3500框架背板提供键相位信号,供其它监测器使用,因此不必再在框架内安装键相位模块,进一步简化了系统配置。
    7. 峰值保持功能:模块还具有峰值保持功能,可以存储机器曾达到的zui高转速,并由使用者进行复位。

    综上所述,Bently 3500/50 288062-02转速表模块以其高度的集成性、灵活性、容错能力、报警功能以及可组态性等特点,在工业自动化和机械保护领域具有广泛的应用前景。无论是用于速度监测、报警设置还是与其他监测器的协同工作,它都能提供可靠和精确的性能。

    BENTLY  3500/50 288062-02 转速表模块  实物图片:


    BENTLY  3500/50 288062-02 转速表模块  产品视频:

    BENTLY 3500/50 288062-02 Tachometer Module Details Introduction:

    The Bently 3500/50 288062-02 tachometer module is a powerful industrial measurement and control device, particularly suitable for speed monitoring of rotating and reciprocating machinery. Here are some of the main features of this module:

    Highly integrated and flexible: This module is designed to be highly integrated while maintaining excellent flexibility. It supports digital and analog communication, provides multiple display options, and the software is configurable, allowing users to customize and configure according to their actual needs.

    High error tolerance and alarm function: The 288062-02 tachometer module has higher integration and fault tolerance, ensuring stable operation in complex and harsh industrial environments. In addition, it also has an alarm/event list function, which can issue an alarm in a timely manner when the speed exceeds the preset alarm point, reminding operators to take corresponding measures.

    API670 Standard and Compatibility: This module complies with the API670 standard, ensuring its compatibility with other industrial equipment and systems, facilitating user integration and connection.

    Live plugging and data type: All modules and power supplies (when using redundant power supplies) can be plugged and unplugged in the frame while live, making maintenance and replacement work more convenient. In addition, this module is used for continuous monitoring and supports multiple data types, making it particularly suitable for automatic shutdown mechanical protection applications that require extremely high reliability and availability.

    Configuration: The 288062-02 tachometer module can be programmed using 3500 rack configuration software and can be configured into three different types: speed monitoring and set point alarm, speed monitoring and zero speed indication, and speed monitoring and rotor acceleration alarm. This flexibility enables the module to adapt to different application requirements.

    Key Phase Signal Supply: This module can also be configured to provide key phase signals to the 3500 rack backplane for use by other monitors, so there is no need to install a key phase module in the rack, further simplifying system configuration.

    Peak holding function: The module also has a peak holding function, which can store the high speed that the machine has reached and be reset by the user.

    In summary, the Bently 3500/50 288062-02 tachometer module has broad application prospects in industrial automation and mechanical protection due to its high integration, flexibility, fault tolerance, alarm function, and configurability. Whether used for speed monitoring, alarm settings, or in collaboration with other monitors, it can provide reliable and accurate performance.

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    +86 15270269218