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BENTLY 3500/25 149369-01 双通道模块

  • BENTLY  3500/25 149369-01 双通道模块
  • BENTLY  3500/25 149369-01 双通道模块
  • BENTLY  3500/25 149369-01 双通道模块

BENTLY    3500/25 149369-01 双通道模块  是一个专门设计用于工业环境的模块,尤其适用于3500机架中的监视器模块,提供关键的键相信号。

BENTLY    3500/25 149369-01 双通道模块   详情介绍:

    BENTLY 3500/25 149369-01双通道模块是一个专门设计用于工业环境的模块,尤其适用于3500机架中的监视器模块,提供关键的键相信号。以下是该模块的主要产品特点:

    1. 双通道设计:该模块具备两个独立的通道,可以同时接收和处理来自不同传感器的信号,从而提高了数据的多样性和处理效率。
    2. 精确的键相信号处理:模块能够接收来自接近探头或磁性传感器的输入信号,并将这些模拟信号转换为数字键相信号。这种转换确保了信号的准确性和可靠性,为后续的机械状态监测和故障诊断提供了重要依据。
    3. 高度的可扩展性:在3500机械保护系统中,该模块在正常配置下可以接受四个键相信号,而在配对配置下则最多可以接受八个键相信号。这种设计使得系统可以根据实际需求进行灵活扩展,满足不同的监测需求。
    4. 改进的模块设计:作为3500系统模块的更新版本,该模块在设计和性能上都有所提升,完全取代了旧的Keyphasor模块PWA 125792-01。
    5. 嵌入式交换机技术:模块支持10/100 Mbps以太网通信,并具有嵌入式交换机技术,使网络连接能够扩展到下游设备,无需额外的交换机。这增强了网络的灵活性和可扩展性。
    6. 高级诊断和故障排除功能:模块内置网络服务器,允许用户通过网络浏览器访问配置和状态信息,以及用于监控网络性能和识别问题的各种诊断工具。
    7. 工业环境适应性:模块专为工业环境设计,符合一系列国际标准,包括冲击、振动和温度方面的要求,确保其在各种恶劣环境下都能稳定工作。

    综上所述,BENTLY 3500/25 149369-01双通道模块以其双通道设计、精确的键相信号处理、高度的可扩展性、改进的模块设计、嵌入式交换机技术、高级诊断和故障排除功能以及出色的工业环境适应性等特点,为旋转机械的保护和监测提供了可靠而高效的解决方案。

    BENTLY    3500/25 149369-01 双通道模块   实物图片:


    BENTLY    3500/25 149369-01 双通道模块    产品视频:

    BENTLY 3500/25 149369-01 Dual Channel Module Details Introduction:

    The BENTLY 3500/25 149369-01 dual channel module is a module specifically designed for industrial environments, particularly suitable for monitor modules in 3500 racks, providing critical key signals. The following are the main product features of this module:

    Dual channel design: the module has two independent channels, which can simultaneously receive and process signals from different sensors, thus improving data diversity and processing efficiency.

    Accurate Key Signal Processing: The module is capable of receiving input signals from proximity probes or magnetic sensors and converting these analog signals into digital key phase signals. This conversion ensures the accuracy and reliability of the signal, providing important basis for subsequent mechanical condition monitoring and fault diagnosis.

    High scalability: In the 3500 mechanical protection system, this module can accept up to four key signals in normal configuration, while in paired configuration, it can accept up to eight key signals. This design allows the system to flexibly expand according to actual needs and meet different monitoring needs.

    Improved module design: As an updated version of the 3500 system module, this module has improved both in design and performance, completely replacing the old Keyphasor module PWA 125792-01.

    Embedded switch technology: The module supports 10/100 Mbps Ethernet communication and has embedded switch technology, allowing network connections to be extended to downstream devices without the need for additional switches. This enhances the flexibility and scalability of the network.

    Advanced diagnostic and troubleshooting features: The module is equipped with a built-in network server, allowing users to access configuration and status information through a web browser, as well as various diagnostic tools for monitoring network performance and identifying issues.

    Industrial Environment Adaptability: The module is designed specifically for industrial environments and meets a series of international standards, including requirements for impact, vibration, and temperature, ensuring stable operation in various harsh environments.

    In summary, the BENTLY 3500/25 149369-01 dual channel module provides a reliable and efficient solution for the protection and monitoring of rotating machinery with its dual channel design, precise key signal processing, high scalability, improved module design, embedded switch technology, advanced diagnostic and troubleshooting functions, and excellent industrial environment adaptability.

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    +86 15270269218