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Bently 1701/15 监视器系统

  •  Bently 1701/15 监视器系统
  •  Bently 1701/15 监视器系统
  •  Bently 1701/15 监视器系统
  •  Bently 1701/15 监视器系统
  •  Bently 1701/15 监视器系统

BENTLY  1701/15 监视器系统 是一款功能强大、可靠性高的高压交流电源输入模块,适用于各种需要高压交流电源输入的工业领域和场景。

BENTLY  1701/15 监视器系统 详情介绍:

    Bently 1701/15监视器系统是一款功能强大的过程监测系统,专门用于工业生产过程的监控和控制。该系统具有以下主要特点:

    1. 双通道设计:Bently 1701/15监视器系统是一个双通道设备,这意味着它可以同时处理两个信号通道。这种设计提高了系统的灵活性和效率,使其能够同时监控多个参数。
    2. 接近探头信号接收:该系统通过相关的传感器I/O或内部Proximitor模块接收来自近程探头的信号。这些探头可以检测物理量,如位移、振动等,并将这些信号转换为电信号供系统处理。
    3. 信号调节与比较:一旦接收到信号,Bently 1701/15监视器系统会将信号调节到适当的测量单位,并将它们与用户可编程的报警设定点进行比较。如果测量值超过或低于设定的报警阈值,系统将生成相应的报警信号。
    4. 广泛的应用领域:Bently 1701/15监视器系统广泛应用于各种需要精确测量和控制的领域,如石油化工、电力、制药等。在这些行业中,系统可以监控关键设备的运行状态,及时发现潜在问题,确保生产过程的稳定性和安全性。
    5. 技术规格:该监视器系统的测量范围通常涵盖-50°C至+200°C的温度范围,精度可达+0.5°C。响应时间小于1秒,输出信号可以是4~20mA或0~5VDC,工作电压为10~30VDC。

    总的来说,Bently 1701/15监视器系统是一款功能全面、性能稳定的过程监测系统,适用于各种复杂的工业生产环境。通过实时监测和精确控制,该系统有助于提高生产效率、降低维护成本并增强生产安全。

    BENTLY  1701/15 监视器系统 实物图片:


    BENTLY  1701/15 监视器系统 产品视频:

    BENTLY 1701/15 Monitor System Details Introduction:

    The Bently 1701/15 monitor system is a powerful process monitoring system specifically designed for monitoring and controlling industrial production processes. The system has the following main characteristics:

    Dual channel design: The Bently 1701/15 monitor system is a dual channel device, which means it can process two signal channels simultaneously. This design enhances the flexibility and efficiency of the system, enabling it to monitor multiple parameters simultaneously.

    Proximity probe signal reception: The system receives signals from the proximity probe through relevant sensor I/O or internal Proximitor modules. These probes can detect physical quantities such as displacement, vibration, etc., and convert these signals into electrical signals for system processing.

    Signal conditioning and comparison: Once a signal is received, the Bently 1701/15 monitor system will adjust the signal to the appropriate measurement unit and compare it with user programmable alarm setpoints. If the measured value exceeds or falls below the set alarm threshold, the system will generate the corresponding alarm signal.

    Widely applicable fields: The Bently 1701/15 monitor system is widely used in various fields that require precise measurement and control, such as petrochemicals, power, pharmaceuticals, etc. In these industries, systems can monitor the operational status of critical equipment, promptly identify potential issues, and ensure the stability and safety of the production process.

    Technical specifications: The measurement range of this monitor system usually covers the temperature range of -50 ° C to+200 ° C, with an accuracy of up to+0.5 ° C. The response time is less than 1 second, the output signal can be 4-20mA or 0-5VDC, and the working voltage is 10-30VDC.

    Overall, the Bently 1701/15 monitor system is a comprehensive and stable process monitoring system suitable for various complex industrial production environments. Through real-time monitoring and precise control, this system helps to improve production efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance production safety.

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    +86 15270269218