

+86 15270269218

3500/22M 138607-01涡流传感器信号调理器模块

  • 3500/22M 138607-01涡流传感器信号调理器模块
  • 3500/22M 138607-01涡流传感器信号调理器模块
  • 3500/22M 138607-01涡流传感器信号调理器模块
  • 3500/22M 138607-01涡流传感器信号调理器模块

3500/22M 138607-01是指Bently Nevada 3500系列中的一个模块,具体来说,这是一款涡流传感器信号调理器模块,用于处理来自涡流传感器的信号,以监测旋转机械的轴位移、轴振动、壳体振动、转速等关键参数。

3500/22M 138607-01涡流传感器信号调理器模块图片

3500-22M 138607-01(6).jpg

3500/22M 138607-01涡流传感器信号调理器模块视频

3500/22M 138607-01涡流传感器信号调理器模块详情介绍


Module characteristics

Signal conditioning: The 3500/22M module can convert the raw signal output by the eddy current sensor into a readable and stable signal, suitable for further data analysis and monitoring.

Dual channel design: The module usually has dual channel input capability, which can process signals from two sensors simultaneously, improving the flexibility and efficiency of the monitoring system.

High precision and stability: Designed with high-precision signal processing circuits, ensuring the stability and accuracy of output signals, suitable for demanding industrial environments.

Self diagnosis function: The module has built-in self diagnosis function, which can detect its own health status and connection status with sensors, ensuring the reliable operation of the system.

Programmable configuration: Users can configure various parameters of the module through programming, such as gain, bias, etc., to adapt to different monitoring needs.

Precautions for use

Sensor matching: Ensure that the eddy current sensor is compatible with the 3500/22M module, connect the sensor correctly, follow the manufacturer's instructions, and avoid signal distortion.

Electrical isolation: To avoid signal interference and protect personnel safety, ensure appropriate electrical isolation between the module and external power and signal lines.

Parameter setting: Based on the characteristics and operating conditions of the monitoring object, set the gain, bias, and other parameters of the module reasonably to achieve the best monitoring effect.

Environmental adaptability: Consider the working environment of the module to ensure its stable operation under expected temperature and humidity conditions, and take protective measures if necessary.

Regular maintenance: Regularly inspect the connection between modules and sensors, perform necessary maintenance and calibration, and ensure the long-term stability and accuracy of the system.

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+86 15270269218