

+86 15270269218

3500/32 125712-01高速数据采集模块

  • 3500/32 125712-01高速数据采集模块
  • 3500/32 125712-01高速数据采集模块
  • 3500/32 125712-01高速数据采集模块
  • 3500/32 125712-01高速数据采集模块

3500/32 125712-01是Bently Nevada 3500系列中的一个高速数据采集模块,主要用于收集和处理来自各种传感器的信号,特别适合于需要高采样率和实时监测的应用场景。

3500/32 125712-01高速数据采集模块图片

3500-32 125712-01(1).jpg

3500/32 125712-01高速数据采集模块视频

3500/32 125712-01高速数据采集模块详情



Module characteristics

High speed data acquisition: The 3500/32 module is capable of collecting data at a high sampling rate, making it suitable for monitoring rapidly changing signals such as vibration and pressure.

Multi channel input: Modules typically support multiple input channels and can simultaneously process signals from multiple sensors, improving the overall performance of monitoring systems.

Real time data processing: capable of processing and analyzing collected data in real time, providing real-time feedback, suitable for industrial control scenarios that require rapid response.

High precision and stability: Designed with high-precision signal conditioning circuits to ensure the accuracy and stability of data acquisition, meeting the requirements of industrial grade applications.

Programmable configuration: Users can customize the parameters of the module, such as sampling rate, filtering settings, etc., to meet different monitoring needs.

Precautions for use

Sensor compatibility: Ensure that the sensors used are compatible with the 3500/32 module, connect the sensors correctly, follow the manufacturer's instructions, and avoid signal distortion.

Electrical isolation and grounding: To avoid signal interference and protect personnel safety, ensure electrical isolation between modules, power supply, and signal lines, and conduct appropriate grounding.

Parameter setting: Based on the characteristics and operating conditions of the monitoring object, set the sampling rate and filtering parameters of the module reasonably to achieve the best monitoring effect.

Environmental adaptability: Considering the working environment of the module, ensure that it can operate normally under the expected temperature and humidity conditions, and take necessary protective measures.

Data storage and management: High speed data collection generates a large amount of data, requiring effective data storage and management strategies to ensure data security and availability.

Regular maintenance and calibration: Regularly check the connection and performance of modules, perform necessary maintenance and calibration to maintain the long-term stability and accuracy of the system.

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+86 15270269218