

+86 15270269218

BENTLY 3500/65 145988-02机械振动监测仪

  • BENTLY 3500/65 145988-02机械振动监测仪
  • BENTLY 3500/65 145988-02机械振动监测仪
  • BENTLY 3500/65 145988-02机械振动监测仪
  • BENTLY 3500/65 145988-02机械振动监测仪

BENTLY NEVADA 3500/65 145988-02 机械振动监测仪 是Bently Nevada公司生产的一款先进的振动监测系统组件


  1. 监测功能:3500/65监测仪能够检测和分析旋转机械的振动信号,通过振动幅度、频率和其他参数来评估机械的运行状态和潜在故障。

  2. 系统集成:作为3500系统的一部分,它可以与其它3500系列监测模块(如位移、温度、转速监测器等)一起工作,形成一个全面的机械保护系统。

  3. 报警与保护:当监测到的振动参数超过预设的阈值时,3500/65监测仪会触发报警,甚至在必要时启动保护措施,如自动停机,以防止设备损坏。

  4. 数据记录与分析:监测仪能够记录历史数据,这些数据可用于趋势分析和预测性维护,帮助工程师提前发现潜在问题并采取预防措施。

  5. 模块化设计:3500系列采用模块化设计,便于维护和升级。3500/65振动监测仪可以独立工作,也可以与其它模块组合,形成更复杂的监测方案。

  6. 通讯能力:监测仪支持与工厂自动化系统进行数据交换,可以通过数字通信协议(如DeviceNet、Profibus DP等)将监测数据发送至中央控制系统。

  7. 安装与校准:3500/65监测仪的安装通常需要按照Bently Nevada的指导手册进行,以确保准确的测量和长期的可靠性。校准可能是周期性的,以保持监测精度。

English manual:

Monitoring function: The 3500/65 monitor detects and analyzes the vibration signals of rotating machinery, using vibration amplitude, frequency and other parameters to assess the operating status and potential failure of the machinery.

System integration: As part of the 3500 system, it can work with other 3500 series monitoring modules (such as displacement, temperature, speed monitors, etc.) to form a comprehensive mechanical protection system.

Alarm and protection: When the detected vibration parameters exceed a preset threshold, the 3500/65 monitor triggers an alarm and even activates protective measures, such as automatic shutdown, if necessary to prevent equipment damage.

Data logging and analysis: Monitors record historical data that can be used for trend analysis and predictive maintenance, helping engineers identify potential problems ahead of time and take preventive action.

Modular design: The 3500 series features a modular design for easy maintenance and upgrades. The 3500/65 vibration monitor can work independently or in combination with other modules to form a more complex monitoring scheme.

Communication capability: The monitor supports data exchange with the factory automation system and can send monitoring data to the central control system through digital communication protocols (such as DeviceNet, Profibus DP, etc.).

Installation and calibration: Installation of 3500/65 monitors is usually required to follow Bently Nevada's guidance manual to ensure accurate measurements and long-term reliability. Calibration may be periodic to maintain monitoring accuracy.

BENTLY 1900/65A-00-00-01-00-01 Universal device monitor

BENTLY 3500/91M 1907872-01 Communication gateway module


+86 15270269218