

+86 15270269218

BENTLY 3500/42M 176449-02位移振动监测器

  • BENTLY 3500/42M 176449-02位移振动监测器
  • BENTLY 3500/42M 176449-02位移振动监测器
  • BENTLY 3500/42M 176449-02位移振动监测器
  • BENTLY 3500/42M 176449-02位移振动监测器

BENTLY 3500/42M 176449-02位移振动监测器  是一款位移振动监测器(Displacement Vibration Monitor),

BENTLY 3500/42M 176449-02位移振动监测器 详情介绍: 

Bently Nevada 3500/42M 176449-02 是一款位移振动监测器(Displacement Vibration Monitor),用于 Bently Nevada 3500 系列监测系统。该模块用于监测设备的位移和振动,提供关键的设备状态信息,以帮助预防设备故障和优化维护策略。


  1. 位移和振动监测

    • 位移测量:能够测量旋转设备的轴向位移,提供对设备偏移和不平衡情况的监测。
    • 振动测量:监测设备的振动幅度和频率,识别潜在的振动问题,如不平衡、对中不良或机械松动。
  2. 数据采集和处理

    • 高精度测量:提供高精度的位移和振动数据采集,确保监测结果的准确性和可靠性。
    • 实时分析:支持实时数据处理和分析,及时发现设备的状态变化和潜在故障。
  3. 报警和诊断

    • 报警功能:配置自定义报警设置,根据设备的位移和振动数据触发警报,帮助操作人员及时响应问题。
    • 诊断功能:提供详细的诊断信息,帮助分析设备状态,制定维护计划。
  4. 兼容性和集成

    • 系统兼容:与 Bently Nevada 3500 系列的其他监测模块兼容,能够集成到现有的监测系统中。
    • 模块化设计:支持与其他模块的配合,形成一个完整的设备监测解决方案。
  5. 安装和维护

    • 简便安装:设计用于标准的 19 英寸机架中,安装和更换比较简便。
    • 维护支持:提供技术支持和维护服务,确保模块的长期稳定运行。

BENTLY 3500/42M 176449-02位移振动监测器  实物图片:


english introduction:

Bently Nevada 3500/42M 176449-02 is a displacement vibration monitor used in Bently Nevada 3500 series monitoring systems. This module is used to monitor the displacement and vibration of equipment, provide critical equipment status information to help prevent equipment failures and optimize maintenance strategies.

Main features:

Displacement and vibration monitoring:

Displacement measurement: capable of measuring the axial displacement of rotating equipment, providing monitoring of equipment offset and imbalance.

Vibration measurement: Monitor the amplitude and frequency of equipment vibration, identify potential vibration issues such as imbalance, misalignment, or mechanical looseness.

Data collection and processing:

High precision measurement: Provides high-precision displacement and vibration data acquisition to ensure the accuracy and reliability of monitoring results.

Real time analysis: supports real-time data processing and analysis, timely detection of equipment status changes and potential faults.

Alarm and diagnosis:

Alarm function: Configure custom alarm settings, trigger alarms based on device displacement and vibration data, and help operators respond to problems in a timely manner.

Diagnostic function: Provides detailed diagnostic information to help analyze equipment status and develop maintenance plans.

Compatibility and integration:

System compatibility: Compatible with other monitoring modules in the Bently Nevada 3500 series and can be integrated into existing monitoring systems.

Modular design: supports coordination with other modules to form a complete device monitoring solution.

Installation and maintenance:

Easy Installation: Designed for use in standard 19 inch racks, installation and replacement are relatively simple.

Maintenance support: Provide technical support and maintenance services to ensure the long-term stable operation of the module.

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PMB31D-00100-00INIIT02LT 371a
PMB31D-20201-00INIIT03LT 9673a
PMB31B-20200-00INIIT12UA 380a-E
PMB33C-00114-03INLIM03UT 372
PMB33C-20201-03INNIS01UT 372c


+86 15270269218