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BENTLY 3701/55 继电器模块

  • BENTLY 3701/55 继电器模块
  • BENTLY 3701/55 继电器模块
  • BENTLY 3701/55 继电器模块
  • BENTLY 3701/55 继电器模块
  • BENTLY 3701/55 继电器模块

BENTLY 3701/55 继电器模块  是一款继电器模块,属于 Bently Nevada 的 3701 系列,这款模块设计用于将监测系统中的报警信号转换为继电器输出

BENTLY 3701/55 继电器模块  详情介绍: 

Bently Nevada 3701/55 是一款继电器模块,属于 Bently Nevada 的 3701 系列,这款模块设计用于将监测系统中的报警信号转换为继电器输出,进而触发外部设备的操作。它在设备状态监测和保护系统中起到了关键作用,确保在设备出现异常时能够迅速采取必要的应对措施。


  1. 继电器输出

    • 报警响应:模块可以根据监测系统内的报警条件,自动激活继电器,触发连接的外部设备,如警报系统或安全关闭设备。
    • 多通道支持:通常具备多个独立的继电器通道,可以同时监控和响应多种报警信号。
  2. 可编程逻辑

    • 灵活配置:用户可以自定义每个继电器的触发逻辑,根据不同的报警级别或特定条件设置触发规则。
    • 报警优先级:可以为不同的报警设置优先级,以确保关键报警能够优先响应。
  3. 模块化设计

    • 易于集成:作为 3701 系列的一部分,该模块可以轻松集成到现有监测系统中,与其他监测模块配合使用。
    • 维护便捷:模块化设计使得安装、更换和升级都非常方便,减少了系统维护的复杂性。
  4. 应用场景

    • 设备保护:继电器模块在关键设备的保护系统中用于自动断电、警报触发或切换设备状态,保护设备免受进一步损坏。
    • 工业自动化:在自动化系统中,继电器模块用于根据监测数据自动控制相关设备的运行状态。
  5. 安全性与可靠性

    • 冗余设计:支持冗余配置,增强了系统的可靠性和容错能力。
    • 隔离保护:具备电气隔离功能,保护系统免受电气干扰或过载影响。

BENTLY 3701/55 继电器模块  实物图片:


english introduction:

Bently Nevada 3701/55 is a relay module belonging to Bently Nevada's 3701 series. This module is designed to convert alarm signals in monitoring systems into relay outputs, which in turn trigger the operation of external devices. It plays a key role in equipment status monitoring and protection systems, ensuring that necessary measures can be taken quickly in case of equipment abnormalities.

Main functions and features:

Relay output:

Alarm response: The module can automatically activate relays and trigger connected external devices, such as alarm systems or safety shutdown devices, based on the alarm conditions within the monitoring system.

Multi channel support: Typically equipped with multiple independent relay channels, it can simultaneously monitor and respond to multiple alarm signals.

Programmable Logic:

Flexible configuration: Users can customize the triggering logic of each relay and set triggering rules based on different alarm levels or specific conditions.

Alarm priority: Priority can be set for different alarms to ensure that critical alarms can be responded to first.

Modular design:

Easy to integrate: As part of the 3701 series, this module can be easily integrated into existing monitoring systems and used in conjunction with other monitoring modules.

Easy maintenance: Modular design makes installation, replacement, and upgrade very convenient, reducing the complexity of system maintenance.

Application scenarios:

Equipment protection: Relay modules are used in the protection system of critical equipment to automatically power off, trigger alarms, or switch device states, protecting the equipment from further damage.

Industrial automation: In automation systems, relay modules are used to automatically control the operating status of related equipment based on monitoring data.

Safety and reliability:

Redundant design: Supports redundant configuration, enhancing the reliability and fault tolerance of the system.

Isolation protection: It has electrical isolation function to protect the system from electrical interference or overload.

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PMB31D-00200-02INSEM01XV 77135
PMB31B-10201-01INTKM01XV 7715b
PMB33E-20216-03IPBLC01XV 7717b
PMB31B-20201-00IPBLK01XV 7718b
PMB32D-00101-00IPECB11ZT 372a-E
PMB31B-00216-01IPFAN1154043 Terminal Block
PMB31D-10100-02IPFLD0161031 Terminal Block, Relay


+86 15270269218