BENTLY 3500/44M 176449-03 振动监视器
1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:
Bently 3500/44M 176449-03 是一款用于工业设备振动监测的高性能振动监视器,专为监测旋转机械(如泵、风机、压缩机等)中的振动信号而设计。该产品是 Bently Nevada(贝尔特·内华达)公司生产的 3500 系列监测系统 的一部分,用于提供实时振动数据和报警,帮助监控设备健康,预防设备故障,确保设备的长期稳定运行。
- 多通道输入: 3500/44M 振动监视器可以监测多通道信号,通常可以同时接收多个振动传感器的输入,用于综合分析设备的运行状态。
- 宽频率响应: 支持广泛的频率范围,适应不同机械设备的工作条件。通常,它可以捕捉到从低频到高频的振动信号,覆盖从转速相关的低频到机械故障相关的高频。
- 实时振动分析: 通过处理信号,提供实时振动数据,有助于在振动异常时及时发出报警。
- 报警设置: 支持设置不同的报警阈值,当设备的振动超出预设范围时,设备会触发报警信号,提醒操作人员进行维护。
- 报警优先级: 根据振动幅度、频率等参数,可设置多种不同优先级的报警,以便在发生故障时快速识别问题严重性。
- 数据存储: 可以存储历史数据,帮助分析设备的振动趋势,进行故障诊断和预测维护。
- 趋势分析: 支持数据分析和趋势记录,帮助识别设备的潜在故障点,提前采取措施,避免意外停机。
Bently 3500/44M 176449-03 is a high-performance vibration monitor designed for industrial equipment vibration monitoring, specifically for monitoring vibration signals in rotating machinery such as pumps, fans, compressors, etc. This product is part of the 3500 series monitoring system produced by Bently Nevada, used to provide real-time vibration data and alarms, help monitor equipment health, prevent equipment failures, and ensure long-term stable operation of equipment.
Main features and functions:
Monitoring function:
Multi channel input: The 3500/44M vibration monitor can monitor multi-channel signals and typically receive inputs from multiple vibration sensors simultaneously, used for comprehensive analysis of equipment operation status.
Broadband response: Supports a wide frequency range and adapts to the working conditions of different mechanical equipment. Usually, it can capture vibration signals from low frequency to high frequency, covering from low frequency related to speed to high frequency related to mechanical faults.
Real time vibration analysis: By processing signals and providing real-time vibration data, it helps to issue alarms in a timely manner when there are abnormal vibrations.
Advanced alarm function:
Alarm settings: Support setting different alarm thresholds. When the vibration of the device exceeds the preset range, the device will trigger an alarm signal to remind the operator to perform maintenance.
Alarm priority: Based on parameters such as vibration amplitude and frequency, multiple alarms with different priorities can be set to quickly identify the severity of the problem in the event of a malfunction.
Data recording and analysis:
Data storage: It can store historical data to help analyze equipment vibration trends, diagnose faults, and predict maintenance.
Trend analysis: supports data analysis and trend recording to help identify potential failure points of equipment, take measures in advance, and avoid unexpected downtime.
2.产 品 展 示
jetter JM-204-480-JC310-S1伺服驱动器
ASEA 57360001-AN circuit board
Kollmorgen 6SM37M-6000 servo motor
Radisys ATCA-PP81 controller module
2VM62-000-7 | PSX100 | NDSI02 |
2VM62-000-6 | P18003330RR | IMMPI01 |
2VM62-000-3 | 51250-60 | INICT03A |
2VM62-000-2 | P315MH422 | NSSM01 |
2VM62-000-11 | RP1001 | NDSM01 |
2VM62-000-1 | 51200-60 | NDSM02 |
2VM61-020-2 | 56PC-8908-NR | NASM01 |
2VM61-020-14 | PIM153 | NASI02 |
2VM61-020-13 | S60100-PB | NAMM02 |