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TRICONEX 9771-210 模拟量输入卡

  • TRICONEX 9771-210 模拟量输入卡
  • TRICONEX 9771-210 模拟量输入卡
  • TRICONEX 9771-210 模拟量输入卡
  • TRICONEX 9771-210 模拟量输入卡
  • TRICONEX 9771-210 模拟量输入卡

TRICONEX   9771-210 模拟量输入卡   是一款功能强大的输入设备,用于接收模拟信号并将其转换为数字信号,以便在工业自动化系统中进行进一步处理。

TRICONEX   9771-210 模拟量输入卡   详情介绍:

  1. TRICONEX 9771-210模拟量输入卡是一款功能强大的输入设备,用于接收模拟信号并将其转换为数字信号,以便在工业自动化系统中进行进一步处理。以下是关于TRICONEX 9771-210模拟量输入卡的一些详细信息:

  2. 工作原理:每一个系统通道都独立地执行控制程序,并与其它两个通道并行工作。硬件表决机制对所有来自现场的数字式输入和输出进行表决和诊断。模拟输入则进行取中值的处理。由于每一个分电路都是和其它两个隔离的,所以任一分电路内的任何一个故障都不会传递给其它两个分电路。
  3. 故障处理:对于各个分电路、各模件和各功能电路广泛的诊断工作能够及时地探查到运行中的故障,并进行指示或报警。诊断还可以把有关故障的信息存储在系统变量内。在发现有故障时,操作员可以利用诊断信息以修改控制动作,或者指导其维护过程。
  4. 维修工作:包括拆卸和更换有分电路故障的故障模件都可以在Tricon在线情况下进行,而不中断过程控制(在有热备卡件的情况下,并确认热备卡件处于工作状态,方可进行)。
  5. 图形编辑功能:9771-210还支持图形编辑器的功能,允许用户联合配置多个对象,为用户提供在同一显示器中显示相关标签的机会。
  6. 系统特性:从用户的观点看,使用是简单的,因为此三重系统工作起来就像一个控制系统一样。
  7. 参数信息:此外,TRICONEX 9771-210模拟量输入卡具有一些具体的参数信息,如电压为24V,电流范围在100-400A之间,重量为2KG,且通常附带4个画面。
  8. 总的来说,TRICONEX 9771-210模拟量输入卡是一款功能强大、易于使用且高度可靠的工业自动化输入设备,适用于各种需要精确模拟信号输入的应用场景。

  9. TRICONEX   9771-210 模拟量输入卡   实物图片:


TRICONEX   9771-210 模拟量输入卡   实物视频

TRICONEX 9771-210 Analog Input Card Details Introduction:

The TRICONEX 9771-210 analog input card is a powerful input device used to receive analog signals and convert them into digital signals for further processing in industrial automation systems. Here are some detailed information about the TRICONEX 9771-210 analog input card:

Working principle: Each system channel independently executes control programs and works in parallel with the other two channels. The hardware voting mechanism votes and diagnoses all digital inputs and outputs from the field. Simulate input and perform median processing. Since each sub circuit is isolated from the other two, any fault within any sub circuit will not be transmitted to the other two sub circuits.

Fault handling: Extensive diagnostic work on various sub circuits, modules, and functional circuits can timely detect operational faults and provide indications or alarms. Diagnosis can also store information about faults in system variables. When faults are detected, operators can use diagnostic information to modify control actions or guide their maintenance process.

Maintenance work: including dismantling and replacing faulty modules with circuit faults can be carried out online on Tricon without interrupting process control (only after confirming that the hot spare card is in working condition).

Graphic editing function: The 9771-210 also supports the function of a graphic editor, allowing users to jointly configure multiple objects, providing users with the opportunity to display relevant labels on the same display.

System features: From the user's perspective, it is easy to use because this triple system works like a control system.

Parameter information: In addition, the TRICONEX 9771-210 analog input card has some specific parameter information, such as a voltage of 24V, a current range of 100-400A, a weight of 2KG, and usually comes with 4 screens.

Overall, the TRICONEX 9771-210 analog input card is a powerful, easy-to-use, and highly reliable industrial automation input device suitable for various application scenarios that require precise analog signal input.

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+86 15270269218