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TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器

  • TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器
  • TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器
  • TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器
  • TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器
  • TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器

TRICONEX  4000094-313线性位移传感器 是一款功能强大、性能稳定、安全性高的设备,可以满足各种工业自动化系统的需求。

TRICONEX  4000094-313线性位移传感器 详情介绍:

  1. TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器是一种专为工业环境设计的传感器,其主要特点和应用如下:

  2. 主要功能
  3. TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器提供对线性位移的直接测量。这些传感器通常用于监测和控制机械系统的位置、速度或加速度等参数。
  4. 该传感器接口模块是BALUff和MTS线性位移传感器(LDS)之间的直接连接,具有启动/停止或压波M输出。
  5. 这些模块为大多数输出SSI(同步串行接口)数据的传感器提供直接连接。
  6. 可编程功能
  7. 包括时钟频率、数据类型、位置预设、计数方向和数据缩放等。这些功能使得用户可以根据具体的应用需求进行定制和配置。
  8. 应用领域
  9. TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器广泛应用于各种需要精确位置或位移测量的工业应用中,如机械制造、自动化生产线、测试设备等。
  10. 产品规格
  11. 具体的规格参数可能因产品版本或制造商而有所不同,但通常包括输入电压、输出信号类型、测量范围、精度、分辨率、工作环境温度等。
  12. 注意事项
  13. 在使用TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器时,需要遵循制造商的安装和使用指南,以确保其正确安装、配置和使用。
  14. 还需要注意传感器的工作环境,避免超出其工作温度和湿度范围,以保证其长期稳定的性能。
  15. 总的来说,TRICONEX 4000094-313线性位移传感器是一种功能强大、可编程的工业级传感器,适用于各种需要精确位置或位移测量的应用场景。

  16. TRICONEX  4000094-313线性位移传感器 实物图片:


TRICONEX  4000094-313线性位移传感器 实物视频

TRICONEX 4000094-313 Linear Displacement Sensor Details Introduction:

The TRICONEX 4000094-313 linear displacement sensor is a sensor designed specifically for industrial environments, with the following main characteristics and applications:

Main functions:

The TRICONEX 4000094-313 linear displacement sensor provides direct measurement of linear displacement. These sensors are typically used to monitor and control parameters such as position, velocity, or acceleration of mechanical systems.

The sensor interface module is a direct connection between BALUFf and MTS linear displacement sensor (LDS), with start/stop or pressure wave M output.

These modules provide direct connections for most sensors that output SSI (Synchronous Serial Interface) data.

Programmable functions:

This includes clock frequency, data type, position preset, counting direction, and data scaling. These features allow users to customize and configure according to specific application requirements.

Application field:

The TRICONEX 4000094-313 linear displacement sensor is widely used in various industrial applications that require precise position or displacement measurement, such as mechanical manufacturing, automated production lines, testing equipment, etc.

Product specifications:

The specific specifications may vary depending on the product version or manufacturer, but typically include input voltage, output signal type, measurement range, accuracy, resolution, working environment temperature, etc.


When using the TRICONEX 4000094-313 linear displacement sensor, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's installation and usage guidelines to ensure its correct installation, configuration, and use.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the working environment of the sensor to avoid exceeding its operating temperature and humidity range, in order to ensure its long-term stable performance.

Overall, the TRICONEX 4000094-313 linear displacement sensor is a powerful and programmable industrial grade sensor suitable for various application scenarios that require precise position or displacement measurement.

TRICONEX  4000094-313线性位移传感器 相关产品:

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+86 15270269218