

+86 15270269218


  • WOODWARD PEAK200-HVAC 8200-1501HVAC 控制器
  • WOODWARD PEAK200-HVAC 8200-1501HVAC 控制器
  • WOODWARD PEAK200-HVAC 8200-1501HVAC 控制器

WOODWARD PEAK200-HVAC 控制器(型号8200-1501) 是一款先进的数字控制器


  1. 集成化控制方案:该控制器能够管理整个HVAC系统,包括空气处理单元、冷水机组、泵、风机、阀门和其他相关设备,实现全面的自动化控制。

  2. 高性能微处理器:基于先进的微处理器技术,提供了高速的数据处理能力和精确的控制精度,确保系统高效稳定运行。

  3. 用户友好的界面:配备有直观的图形用户界面,使操作员能够轻松地监控和调整系统设置,同时也便于维护和故障诊断。

  4. 网络连接性:支持多种通信协议,可以无缝集成到楼宇自动化系统(BAS)或其他更高级别的控制系统中,实现远程监控和数据交换。

  5. 灵活的I/O配置:具备丰富的输入/输出(I/O)选项,可以根据具体应用需求定制,支持模拟量、数字量信号,以及特定的通信接口。

  6. 节能优化:通过智能算法和策略,优化HVAC系统的能源使用,降低能耗,减少运营成本。

  7. 可靠性与耐用性:设计上考虑了工业环境的苛刻条件,具有高可靠性,能够在广泛的温度和湿度范围内稳定工作。

WOODWARO3522 English manual:

Integrated control solution: The controller manages the entire HVAC system, including air handling units, chillers, pumps, fans, valves and other related equipment for complete automation.

High-performance microprocessor: Based on advanced microprocessor technology, it provides high-speed data processing capability and precise control accuracy to ensure efficient and stable operation of the system.

User-friendly interface: An intuitive graphical user interface enables operators to easily monitor and adjust system Settings while also facilitating maintenance and fault diagnosis.

Network connectivity: Supports multiple communication protocols and can be seamlessly integrated into building automation systems (BAS) or other higher level control systems for remote monitoring and data exchange.

Flexible I/O configuration: Rich input/output (I/O) options that can be customized for specific application needs, supporting analog and digital signals, as well as specific communication interfaces.

Energy Efficiency Optimization: Through intelligent algorithms and strategies, optimize the energy use of HVAC systems, reduce energy consumption, and reduce operating costs.

Reliability and durability: Designed with the harsh conditions of the industrial environment in mind, it has high reliability and can operate stably over a wide range of temperatures and humidity.

WOODWARO3522 视频展示:


WOODWARD         PEAK200-HVAC  8200-1501 (1).jpg


WOODWARD 8237-1246伺服控制器 

5437-1119 保护模块

WOODWARD 9907-1200 转换器


WOODWARD 5437-1119 servo redundancy syst

WOODWARD 5437-523 Analog Module

WOODWARD 8446-1019 Analog Expansion Modu


+86 15270269218