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TRICONEX 3700 模拟量输入模块

  • TRICONEX 3700 模拟量输入模块
  • TRICONEX 3700 模拟量输入模块
  • TRICONEX 3700 模拟量输入模块
  • TRICONEX 3700 模拟量输入模块

TRICONEX 3700 模拟量输入模块   是一款模拟量输入模块,设计用于 Triconex 安全仪表系统 (SIS) 中。

TRICONEX 3700 模拟量输入模块    详情介绍: 

TRICONEX 3700 是一款模拟量输入模块,设计用于 Triconex 安全仪表系统 (SIS) 中。该模块专为处理模拟信号而设计,能够将各种传感器和现场设备的模拟信号转化为数字信号,以供系统进行监控和控制。TRICONEX 3700 模块在要求高度可靠性的工业环境中广泛应用,确保系统能够安全、准确地采集和处理关键过程数据。


  1. 高精度数据采集:3700 模块能够以高精度采集模拟信号,确保过程控制的准确性和稳定性。
  2. 多通道支持:通常配备多个输入通道,每个通道可以独立配置,支持从多个传感器或设备采集信号。
  3. 冗余和容错设计:支持冗余配置,以提高系统的可靠性和容错能力,即使在单点故障时也能维持系统的正常运行。
  4. 实时监控:模块能够实时监控和处理输入信号,确保在任何时间点都能提供准确的过程数据。
  5. 宽范围信号支持:支持处理多种类型的模拟信号,如电流(4-20 mA)、电压(0-10V)等,适应各种工业传感器和设备。
  6. 安全性:符合国际安全标准,适用于安全关键型应用,确保在紧急情况下系统的快速响应。


  • 石油和天然气:用于采集油气生产中的温度、压力、流量等关键参数,确保工艺流程的安全和高效运行。
  • 化工行业:在化工生产中,用于监控反应条件和环境参数,防止危险工况的发生。
  • 电力行业:用于发电厂和配电网络中的关键参数采集,如电压、电流等,确保系统的稳定和安全运行。
  • 水处理:应用于水处理设施中,监控水质参数、流量等,保证水处理过程的安全和合规性。


  • 输入通道数量:通常配备多达16个或更多独立的模拟输入通道。
  • 信号类型:支持多种信号类型,包括4-20 mA、0-10V、RTD(电阻温度检测器)等。
  • 分辨率:具有高分辨率的模数转换功能,确保采集数据的精确性。
  • 隔离设计:每个通道具备电气隔离,防止信号干扰和通道之间的相互影响。
  • 冗余配置:支持冗余配置,提供更高的可靠性和系统可用性。
  • 环境适应性:设计用于严苛的工业环境,能够在宽温度范围和高振动条件下稳定工作。

TRICONEX 3700 模拟量输入模块是工业自动化系统中实现高精度数据采集和安全控制的关键组件,通过其可靠性和多功能性,为各种关键任务应用提供了坚实的基础。

TRICONEX 3700 模拟量输入模块   实物图片:


english introduction:

The Triconex 3700 is an analog input module designed for use in Triconex Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS). This module is designed specifically for processing analog signals and can convert analog signals from various sensors and field devices into digital signals for system monitoring and control. The TRICONEX 3700 module is widely used in industrial environments that require high reliability, ensuring that the system can safely and accurately collect and process critical process data.

Main features:

High precision data acquisition: The 3700 module can collect analog signals with high precision, ensuring the accuracy and stability of process control.

Multi channel support: Typically equipped with multiple input channels, each channel can be independently configured and supports signal acquisition from multiple sensors or devices.

Redundancy and Fault Tolerant Design: Supports redundant configurations to improve system reliability and fault tolerance, ensuring normal system operation even in the event of a single point of failure.

Real time monitoring: The module can monitor and process input signals in real time, ensuring accurate process data can be provided at any point in time.

Wide range signal support: Supports processing various types of analog signals, such as current (4-20 mA), voltage (0-10V), etc., suitable for various industrial sensors and devices.

Security: Compliant with international security standards, suitable for safety critical applications, ensuring rapid response of the system in emergency situations.

Application areas:

Oil and natural gas: used to collect key parameters such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate in oil and gas production, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the process flow.

Chemical industry: In chemical production, it is used to monitor reaction conditions and environmental parameters to prevent the occurrence of hazardous conditions.

Power industry: used for collecting key parameters such as voltage, current, etc. in power plants and distribution networks to ensure the stable and safe operation of the system.

Water treatment: applied in water treatment facilities to monitor water quality parameters, flow rates, etc., ensuring the safety and compliance of the water treatment process.

Technical specifications (overview):

Number of input channels: Typically equipped with up to 16 or more independent analog input channels.

Signal type: Supports multiple signal types, including 4-20 mA, 0-10V, RTD (resistance temperature detector), etc.

Resolution: With high-resolution analog-to-digital conversion function, it ensures the accuracy of collected data.

Isolation design: Each channel has electrical isolation to prevent signal interference and mutual influence between channels.

Redundant configuration: Supports redundant configuration, providing higher reliability and system availability.

Environmental adaptability: Designed for harsh industrial environments, capable of stable operation under a wide temperature range and high vibration conditions.

The TRICONEX 3700 analog input module is a key component for achieving high-precision data acquisition and safety control in industrial automation systems. Through its reliability and versatility, it provides a solid foundation for various critical task applications.

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+86 15270269218