

+86 15270269218

Bently 125720-01 3500/32监测系统模块

  • Bently 125720-01 3500/32监测系统模块
  • Bently 125720-01 3500/32监测系统模块

Bently 125720-01 3500/32监测系统模块可以处理和分析实时振动数据,以评估所监测设备的健康和状态。

Bently 125720-01 3500/32产品详情:

  1. 振动监测: 125720-01 模块主要用于振动监测。它可以连续测量关键机械设备组件的振动水平,如泵、电机、压缩机和涡轮机。

  2. 动态信号分析: 它提供动态信号分析功能,这意味着它可以处理和分析实时振动数据,以评估所监测设备的健康和状态。

  3. 兼容性: 125720-01 模块是 Bently Nevada 3500 系列监测系统的一部分,以其与各种传感器、变送器和其他监测设备的兼容性而闻名。

  4. 数据采集: 该模块从连接到所监测机械的传感器收集振动数据。它可以测量速度、加速度和位移等参数,以提供对机械健康的全面了解。

  5. 报警和警报: 该模块配备了报警和警报功能。当检测到异常的振动水平或模式,可能表明机械问题时,它可以触发报警和警报,供维护人员采取措施。

  6. 数据存储: 125720-01 模块通常具有数据存储功能,允许它存储历史振动数据以供后续分析和趋势分析。这些数据对于预测性维护策略至关重要。

  7. 通信: 它可以与 3500 系列系统中的其他模块以及外部系统(如分布式控制系统)通过各种通信协议进行通信。

Bently 125720-01 3500/32实物视频:

Bently 125720-01 3500/32实物拍摄图片:

125720-01 350032小卡 -3.jpg

Bently 125720-01 3500/32product details:

Vibration monitoring: The 125720-01 module is mainly used for vibration monitoring. It can continuously measure the vibration levels of key mechanical equipment components, such as pumps, motors, compressors, and turbines.

Dynamic signal analysis: It provides dynamic signal analysis function, which means it can process and analyze real-time vibration data to evaluate the health and status of the monitored equipment.

Compatibility: The 125720-01 module is part of the Bently Nevada 3500 series monitoring system and is known for its compatibility with various sensors, transmitters, and other monitoring devices.

Data collection: This module collects vibration data from sensors connected to the monitored machinery. It can measure parameters such as speed, acceleration, and displacement to provide a comprehensive understanding of mechanical health.

Alarm and alarm: This module is equipped with alarm and alarm functions. When abnormal vibration levels or patterns are detected, which may indicate mechanical problems, it can trigger alarms and alarms for maintenance personnel to take action.

Data Storage: The 125720-01 module typically has a data storage function, allowing it to store historical vibration data for subsequent analysis and trend analysis. These data are crucial for predictive maintenance strategies.

Communication: It can communicate with other modules in the 3500 series system and external systems (such as distributed control systems) through various communication protocols.

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ABB YB560103-BL ABB YB560103-BD ABB 3HNE00313-1 
ABB YB560103-BN ABB YB560103-BE  ABB 48990001-FK 
ABB YB560103-BR  ABB YB560103-BL ABB 57160001-AA 
ABB YB560103-CA  ABB YB560103-BN ABB 48990001-FK 
ABB YB560103-CB  ABB YB560103-BR  ABB 57160001-AA 



+86 15270269218