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ABB PFEA111-20 3BSE028140R0020 张力控制器

  • ABB PFEA111-20 3BSE028140R0020 张力控制器
  • ABB PFEA111-20 3BSE028140R0020 张力控制器
  • ABB PFEA111-20 3BSE028140R0020 张力控制器
  • ABB PFEA111-20 3BSE028140R0020 张力控制器

ABB PFEA111-20 3BSE028140R0020 张力控制器   主要用于控制张力,即物体上的拉力或张力。这类设备通常在卷材、纸张、钢带、线缆等需要保持一定张力的应用中使用

ABB PFEA111-20 3BSE028140R0020 张力控制器  详情介绍:

  1. 印刷和包装行业: 用于控制卷材(纸张、薄膜等)在印刷机或包装机中的张力,确保卷材传送和处理的稳定性。

  2. 纺织行业: 在纺纱、织布和其他纺织工艺中,用于控制纱线或布料的张力,确保生产过程的平稳运行。

  3. 金属加工: 在钢带、铝带等金属材料的生产中,用于控制金属带的张力,确保材料在加工过程中不产生不必要的变形或拉伸。

  4. 电缆制造: 在电缆生产线上,用于控制电缆线的张力,确保电缆的质量和性能。

  5. 纸张生产: 用于纸张生产线上,控制纸张在各个阶段的张力,包括卷取、切割和包装等环节。

  6. 卷烟制造: 在卷烟生产中,用于控制卷烟纸的张力,以确保卷烟的成型和包装。

  7. 印刷电路板(PCB)制造: 用于控制印刷电路板上的张力,确保板材在加工过程中的稳定性。

  8. 玻璃纤维制造: 在玻璃纤维生产中,用于控制纤维的张力,确保纤维的拉伸均匀。

  9. 拉丝和线材生产: 在金属拉丝、电线和电缆等产品的生产中,用于控制材料的张力

ABB PFEA111-20 3BSE028140R0020 张力控制器   实物图片:


ABB PFEA111-20 3BSE028140R0020 张力控制器   实物视频

ABB PFEA111-20 3BSE028140R0020 Tension Controller Details Introduction:

Printing and packaging industry: used to control the tension of rolls (paper, film, etc.) in printing or packaging machines, ensuring the stability of roll transportation and processing.

Textile industry: used in spinning, weaving, and other textile processes to control the tension of yarn or fabric and ensure smooth operation of the production process.

Metal processing: In the production of metal materials such as steel strips and aluminum strips, it is used to control the tension of the metal strip and ensure that the material does not undergo unnecessary deformation or stretching during the processing.

Cable manufacturing: used on cable production lines to control the tension of cables and ensure the quality and performance of cables.

Paper production: used on paper production lines to control the tension of paper at various stages, including coiling, cutting, and packaging.

Cigarette manufacturing: In cigarette production, it is used to control the tension of cigarette paper to ensure the shaping and packaging of cigarettes.

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Manufacturing: Used to control the tension on the printed circuit board and ensure the stability of the board during the processing.

Glass fiber manufacturing: In glass fiber production, it is used to control the tension of fibers and ensure uniform stretching of fibers.

Wire drawing and wire production: used to control the tension of materials in the production of metal wire drawing, wires, and cables

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+86 15270269218