

+86 15270269218

GE WESDAC D20ME 18-MAR-13模拟量扩展模块

  • GE WESDAC D20ME 18-MAR-13模拟量扩展模块
  • GE WESDAC D20ME 18-MAR-13模拟量扩展模块
  • GE WESDAC D20ME 18-MAR-13模拟量扩展模块

GE WESDAC D20ME 18-MAR-13 GE 模拟量扩展模块用于工业自动化和控制系统中的模拟量输入/输出扩展模块。


  1. :模块的重量约为1.2千克,安装方式为控制室安装,采用模块式结构,便于在控制柜中进行安装和维护。

  2. 功能描述:该模块能够接收或输出模拟信号,如电压(V)、电流(mA)、电阻(Ω)等,这些信号通常来源于传感器或发送至执行机构。

  3. 通道数量与类型:D20ME模块可能包含多个模拟输入或输出通道,具体数量取决于模块的型号和配置。每个通道可以被单独配置为特定的信号类型和量程。

  4. 精度与分辨率:模块提供了高精度的信号转换,确保控制系统能够准确地读取和控制模拟信号,其分辨率可能达到微伏(μV)或微安(μA)级别。

  5. 隔离与保护:D20ME模块可能包含通道间的电气隔离,以防止信号干扰,并提供过载保护和短路保护功能,确保系统在异常情况下的安全运行。

  6. 通信与集成:该模块可以与PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)、DCS(分布式控制系统)或其他控制设备通信,通过标准的工业总线或以太网接口进行数据交换。

  7. 工业标准:D20ME模块可能遵循多种工业标准,如Modbus RTU、Profibus DP、DeviceNet、EtherCAT等,便于与各种控制系统集成。

  8. 应用领域:这种模块广泛应用于化工、石油和天然气、电力、制造业、食品加工等行业的过程控制和监测系统中

English manual:

Function Description: The module can receive or output analog signals, such as voltage (V), current (mA), resistance (Ω), etc. These signals are usually from the sensor or sent to the actuator.

Number and Type of channels: A D20ME module may contain multiple analog input or output channels, depending on the model and configuration of the module. Each channel can be individually configured for a specific signal type and range.

Accuracy and resolution: The module provides high-precision signal conversion, ensuring that the control system can accurately read and control analog signals, which may reach the resolution of microvolts (μV) or microamperes (μA).

Isolation and protection: The D20ME module may include electrical isolation between channels to prevent signal interference and provide overload protection and short circuit protection to ensure safe operation of the system under abnormal conditions.

Communication and integration: The module can communicate with PLC (Programmable logic controller), DCS (distributed control system) or other control devices, and exchange data via standard industrial bus or Ethernet interfaces.

Industry standards: The D20ME module may comply with a variety of industry standards such as Modbus RTU, Profibus DP, DeviceNet, EtherCAT, etc., for easy integration with various control systems.

Applications: This module is widely used in process control and monitoring systems in chemical, oil and gas, power, manufacturing, food processing and other industries.

GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R-E Transformer management relay


+86 15270269218