

+86 15270269218

GE D20 EME 2400-21004 变电站控制卡

  • GE D20 EME 2400-21004 变电站控制卡
  • GE D20 EME 2400-21004 变电站控制卡
  • GE D20 EME 2400-21004 变电站控制卡

GE D20 EME 2400-21004 GE 变电站控制卡 是通用电气(GE)公司为电力行业设计的一种先进的控制卡


  1. 功能描述

    1. 该控制卡能够处理和监控电力系统中的关键数据,包括电压、电流、功率、频率和相位等。
    2. 它可以执行复杂的控制逻辑,比如继电保护算法、故障定位、隔离和恢复策略,以及优化电力分配。
  2. 通信能力

    1. 控制卡支持多种通信协议,如IEC 61850、Modbus、DNP3等,以实现与SCADA(监控与数据采集)系统、EMS(能量管理系统)和其他自动化设备的无缝集成。
  3. 数据处理与存储

    1. 内置高速处理器和大容量内存,能够实时处理大量数据,同时存储关键的事件记录和历史数据。
  4. 冗余与容错

    1. 设计有冗余架构,确保在单个组件故障时系统仍然能够维持基本运行,提高系统的可靠性和可用性。
  5. 安全特性

    1. 包含加密通信、访问控制和安全审计功能,以保障电力系统免受恶意攻击和非授权访问。
  6. 环境适应性

    1. 能够在变电站的恶劣环境中稳定运行,包括高温、低温、湿度和电磁干扰等极端条件。

English manual:

Function description:

The control card is capable of processing and monitoring critical data in the power system, including voltage, current, power, frequency and phase.

It can perform complex control logic, such as relay protection algorithms, fault location, isolation, and recovery strategies, and optimize power distribution.

Communication capability:

The control card supports a variety of communication protocols such as IEC 61850, Modbus, DNP3, etc., for seamless integration with SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, EMS (Energy Management systems) and other automation devices.

Data processing and storage:

The built-in high-speed processor and large memory are able to process large amounts of data in real time, while storing critical event records and historical data.

Redundancy and fault tolerance:

Designed with a redundant architecture, the system can maintain basic operation even when a single component fails, improving system reliability and availability.

Security features:

Includes encrypted communications, access control, and security auditing to protect power systems from malicious attacks and unauthorized access.

Environmental adaptability:

Capable of stable operation in the harsh environments of substations, including extreme conditions such as high temperature, low temperature, humidity and electromagnetic interference.

GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R-E Transformer management relay


+86 15270269218