

+86 15270269218

ABB 061589-002驱动控制器

  • ABB  061589-002驱动控制器
  • ABB  061589-002驱动控制器

ABB 的061589-002驱动控制器这种控制器可能用于工业自动化领域


  1. 功能

    1. 061589-002 是一个主控制板,用于控制驱动系统的核心逻辑和操作。
    2. 它可能负责处理信号输入、执行控制算法并输出驱动信号以控制电机或执行器。
  2. 应用

    1. 这种控制器通常用于工业自动化系统中,如机器人、机床、输送线等。
    2. 它可以集成在伺服驱动器、变频器或其他类型的驱动控制系统中。
  3. 特性

    1. 根据ABB的一般产品特点,这种控制器可能会支持多种通信协议,如 EtherCAT、Profinet、DeviceNet 等。
    2. 它可能具备高精度的位置控制能力,以及速度和扭矩控制功能。
    3. 控制器可能会包含保护功能,如过载保护、过热保护等。

English manual:


061589-002 is most likely a master control board that controls the core logic and operation of the drive system.

It may be responsible for processing signal inputs, executing control algorithms, and outputting drive signals to control a motor or actuator.


This controller is commonly used in industrial automation systems, such as robots, machine tools, conveyor lines, etc.

It can be integrated in servo drives, frequency converters or other types of drive control systems.


Depending on the general product characteristics of ABB, the controller may support a variety of communication protocols, such as EtherCAT, Profinet, DeviceNet, etc.

It may have high-precision position control, as well as speed and torque control.

The controller may contain protection features such as overload protection, overheat protection, etc.

ABB 500PSM03a soft initiator


+86 15270269218